New Content - Implemented Celestial au jus + olive oil multiusable


Some of jarlsberg celestial items were initially not multiusable, but at some point were changed to be multiusable
> make celestial au jus

Verifying ingredients for celestial au jus (1)...
[B]celestial au jus is multiusable, but KoLmafia thought it was not[/B]
You acquire an item: celestial au jus
Successfully created celestial au jus (1)

> make celestial olive oil

Verifying ingredients for celestial olive oil (1)...
[B]celestial olive oil is multiusable, but KoLmafia thought it was not[/B]
You acquire an item: celestial olive oil
Successfully created celestial olive oil (1)
oh, just for completion sake.
Celestial carrot juice is correctly determined by mafia. No need for changes there.

Celestial squid ink I don't know yet, I don't have enough calories to make it.