CCS - is it possible to use conditional logic?


Well-known member
I'm exploring Jick's Obsessions and I find myself wondering if it's possible to use AND/OR logic in a CCS. Is it possible or does this enter into the land of a consult script?

I've played around with it a bit and what I'm trying isn't working. Nothing that I've yet found in the forums or the wiki seems to apply.

If I run into a skeleton with multiple attributes I'd like the CCS to take action depending on the mix of attributes. Is it possible to do the following in a CCS:

[ disorienting AND shifty]
item love song of smoldering passion

[shimmering OR shiny]
skill lunging thrust-smack

Thanks in advance.


It isn't.

You can pass BALLS macros through to KoL if you enclose the line in quotes. These macros can contain "match" predicates to check for page text.


No reason to "think" about it. You can definitely do that with a consult script. However I wasn't about to start explaining how.


Well-known member
I was able to complete the tower and get my sword with a "normal" CCS. There were a couple of times when I had to finish combat manually because the CCS couldn't handle skeletons with multiple attributes. This is a question I've thought about, and researched, more than once but I never asked.

Bale: I've learned quite a few scripting and CCS tricks from snippets you've posted to the forums. Thank you.

Winterbay: Your WHAM script is an incredible consult script and, combined with Zarqon's scripts is every time I take a look at them I learn something new about KOLMafia.