Can't install mafia


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Can't run mafia

Latest (non-hourly) version of mafia, jre-6u24-windows-x64.exe just installed, running vista ultimate x64.

When I try to run KoLmafia-14.4.exe I get a popup titled "No Java?" with option Ok or Cancel.

Help please.
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Also tried downloading the .jar.

When I double click I get the "working" cursor for a second but nothing happens.
Do you mean you can install mafia, or can't run it.
If it is the latter, do you have Java installed

Did you not read what he posted at all?
First, he said he installed the latest Java. He even provided a file name.
Second, mafia doesn't have an "install" process; so asking for clarification on that is just misleading. Especially when he says exactly what happens when he tries to run it.

As for dlsso, make sure that .jar files have been associated with javaw.exe (found in the program files, probably Java/jre6/bin).
If that doesn't work, try uninstalling java and installing the 32bit version.
He installed the 64-bit Java, but as a matter of course, I'd suggest installing the 32-bit Java as well. Based on the "No Java?" message he quoted, Java apparently is not properly in a state that actually WORKS. :)
Thanks guys. I will try this in a minute and get back to you.

Associating with javaw.exe did not work. DLing 32 bit now.
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Installed Java 32 bit (jre-6u24-windows-i586.exe). Jar file still does not work. However, exe now looks to be working fine. Thanks!
Associating just with "javaw.exe" shouldn't work, because then the command is "javaw KoLmafia.jar" which tries to run class KoLmafia.jar, which doesn't exist.
The correct association is slightly more complex, because standard context menu won't have the correct option, as far as I have seen.
I think [1] the correct way is
Explorer (the one that opens with My Computer or when you "run" c:\, etc ...)
[menu] Tools
[menu item] Folder settings
[tab] File Types
find the row with JAR (or create new)
[button] more settings
select action "open"
[button] modify
set application: "C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\javaw.exe" -jar "%1" %*
(point this to your javaw.exe)

Or you could use some sort of jarwrapper script to add that "-jar" instead. [2]

[1] I have localized windows, things may not be in exactly the same place or named as I "translated" them fro you
[2] I have actually taken to manually typing "java -jar KoLmafia<TAB><ENTER>" ...
xKiv, another option is using one of the execution wrappers that automatically downloads the latest daily build, copies it to KoLmafia-latest.jar, deletes any prior versions (KoLmafia-<number-lower-than-top>.jar) and then does the execute javaw -jar KoLmafia-latest.jar automatically. I run that even though I'm compiling my own, just because it helps to remind me if I need to update my local copy. :)

Edit: Huh. I use Rinn's for that as well. Apparently I use a lot of Rinn tools. :D
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