Can't Get Mafia/Java to work together

That's an interesting error message that turns up in a bunch of google searches. It seems it's way lower level than KoL, but if the pages I saw are correct, you can fix it. It may have to do with running on a VM or something else (that I am not doing).

A possible solution are here, along with 12 people saying it didn't solve their issue and 6 other solutions.

Rich (BB code):
Solve "process exited with code 4294967295" , run netsh winsock reset as Administrator, then reboot your computer.
The result like below:

❯ netsh winsock reset

Sucessfully reset the Winsock Catalog.
You must restart the computer in order to complete the reset.
This is to far over my head.
That's an interesting error message that turns up in a bunch of google searches. It seems it's way lower level than KoL, but if the pages I saw are correct, you can fix it. It may have to do with running on a VM or something else (that I am not doing).

A possible solution are here, along with 12 people saying it didn't solve their issue and 6 other solutions.

Rich (BB code):
Solve "process exited with code 4294967295" , run netsh winsock reset as Administrator, then reboot your computer.
The result like below:

❯ netsh winsock reset

Sucessfully reset the Winsock Catalog.
You must restart the computer in order to complete the reset.
FWIW process exited with code 429...295 is most likely the 32-bit unsigned representation of -1 and is most likely a super generic error that's not useful.

I did make a few tweaks to the exe over the last couple of days, so glad to hear that works for you. I do think there are still some more usability improvements to be had. I might look into them this weekend.