Bug - Fixed Can't download onlyfax config file


Staff member
> ash can_faxbot($monster[black crayon penguin])

Configuring faxable monsters.
Configuring Easyfax (2504737)
Configuring CheeseFax (3038166)

And the gCLI is now hung.

I annotated DynmaicBotFetcher.run()

      try {
        File local = new File(KoLConstants.DATA_LOCATION, this.data.name + ".xml");
        System.out.println("Downloading bot data for " + this.data.name + " from " + this.data.URL);
        FileUtilities.downloadFile(this.data.URL, local, true);

        // Get an instance of document builder
        DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();

        // Parse using builder to get DOM
        // representation of the XML file
        System.out.println("Done. Parsing...");
        dom = db.parse(local);
      } catch (ParserConfigurationException pce) {
        FaxBotDatabase.faxBotErrorMessage = pce.getMessage();
      } catch (SAXException se) {
        FaxBotDatabase.faxBotErrorMessage = se.getMessage();
      } catch (IOException ioe) {
        FaxBotDatabase.faxBotErrorMessage = ioe.getMessage();
        System.out.println("Error = " + ioe);
      } catch (Exception e) {
        System.out.println("Error = " + e);

(I figured I'd see where it was hanging before trying to debug it...)

Downloading bot data for easyfax from https://svn.code.sf.net/p/easyfax/code/Easyfax.xml
Done. Parsing...
Downloading bot data for cheesefax from http://cheesellc.com/kol/faxlist.xml
Done. Parsing...
Downloading bot data for onlyfax from https://onlyfax.loathers.net/OnlyFax.xml

I was expecting it to loop parsing the local file, but, no. It didn't even get to parsing.
Apparently FileUtilities.downloadFile is hanging - and not throwing an exception.
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This just happened to me too. Got around it by removing the `onlyfax.xml` file in mafia's data folder. Next time I tried to fax, a new `onlyfax.xml` was generated and it worked fine.

Attached the one which caused the hanging and the working one. Did a compare, looks like crimbo monsters were added and swarm of ghoul whelps. Don't see any syntax fixes, but very well could be missing it

