Can you play on a postage stamp? I can :D Help with Mafia pane please...

So Bale tried to help me but I didn't press to much because I hate asking while Bales playing. Thought I would post up in here and see if anyone knows what would cause this and if you could teach me how to fix this and tell me what I did to do it in the first place. I thought it was the "set desktoppsize = true" or "remembersize" and Bale reminded me the code for that but it didn't help. Here is a video of what is going on. It just started about a week or so ago and is driving me up the wall :(


Staff member
The setting he mentioned is rememberDesktopSize, and that is case sensitive (like all settings). Have you tried stretching the window larger instead of maximizing it, and then restarting mafia? (I watched the video without sound.)
And now it's back to the way it was before :( I had to go let the dogs out so I closed everything out and when I came back it opened up back in the middle just like before :(