Feature Can mafia prefer non-replica IOtMs out of run?


New member
Hi there!

Being overly fond of command lines, i used to type things like "wear designer sweat" to quickly don my sweatpants, or "wear kramco" for example.

Now with the introduction of the replica versions, to do the above i have to type out the item name in full: "wear designer sweatpants" (not a huge deal) or "wear Kramco Sausage-o-Matic™" (a bit more of a big deal).

I understand how this works - you need to type enough of the item name for it to be unique, and since there are now a bunch of items with "replica" on the front, the only way to uniquely distinguish the name is to type it all out.

However, i think the "replica" items are a bit of a special case. So i'm wondering, is there any mechanism for mafia to recognise that if you're not actively in a LoL run, the replica items won't be available, and could be left out of the string match? And vice versa for that matter, though the inverse does seem to work (if i type "wear american pants" in-run it seems to understand already that i mean the replica).

Thanks for considering this!


New member
Come to think of it, the same thing has been happening for a long time with "adv fun house", for example, which requires distinguishing between 'the "fun" house' and "the goo-choked fun house". Again, since these two are mutually exclusive depending on your path, mafia could potentially make it possible to abbreviate with no loss of functionality.