Butterflies script needs meat-to-closet line.


New member
So here's all I know:

I wanted Bringer of Storms, and I didn't really feel like going clickyclickyclicky, nor did I feel like losing meat. Unfortunately, my script couldn't do all of that. (I used it anyhow.) What I want it to do is put meat in the closet any time I have some. I can get it to use butterflies, and detect meat, but I can't get it to closet the meat - KoLMafia puts up an error message with put_closet ( my_meat() ). I put a placeholder line in, and I'm throwing it out to the collective intelligence.


OMG!! Someone who actually worked on their script before posting! You have no idea how happy you made me today! Anyway, the reason your meat function isn't working is because it doesn't exist anymore. If you aren't aware, there is a CLI command called "ashref <filter>". If I type "ashref meat", it will list all of the ASH functions in mafia that contain the phrase "meat". So...yea, the function doesn't exist. If you want, you could get the raw URL and use that if you want... But anyway, thank you sooooo much for actually working on your script before posting. It was very refreshing!
Thanks to Holatuwol, I have a possible working version. However, I'm at the beginning of what will probably be a slow HCO run, so I won't be able to test it.

What should happen:
If you don't have any butterflies, the script will tell you so.

If you do have chaos butterflies, the script will closet all your meat, then use all your butterflies, putting meat in the closet whenever the butterfly result is more meat. After you run out of butterflies, it will pull out all the meat that was put in the closet. Any meat that was in the closet before the script started will remain there.

Any useful feedback will be appreciated, from "it works fine" to "aaa! It gave me $ThisError!"


Works as advertised.

Pity, I was half hoping this was the next 668 scroll.

Gained a tiny amount of meat, lost a heap of substats.