bumcheekcity and hippoking's Rollover Management Script

Okay, I've examined it in greater detail. There are two situations the function I posted above doesn't handle:

1) Your Hand already has a time sword as its equipment, but you have a different familiar equipped, with familiar gear locked. This will equip your Hand, but not its time sword.

EDIT: Fixed in edited function above.

2) Gravy boat. Seems like a check for number of adventures gained by both hands is better here than using specific item names.
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Oh never mind. Ignore this since I didn't really say anything important.
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I was just using the script and came along some errors or oversights. I was requested to post them here.

1. Version .56 does not check the DC for better rollover gear
2. For some reason Version .56 doesn't equip the disembodied hand when it has a time sword attached to it.
3. There is no checks for Oscus's Soda or Chester's Bag of Candy being used.
1) As far as I'm concerned, the DC should be ignored by everything in mafia that isn't doing a specifically do a DC-related task. That will not change.
2) Yeah, all that code is getting scrapped in favour of the modifier maximizer when either me or BCC get around to it. That didn't exist when this was written, and it's 10x better than the questionable and buggy logic currently in place. Also, it doesn't do Cheese.
3) Oscus' Soda is an oversight, Chester is not. Just stick the candy bag in your breakfast.

Depending on REAL LIFE, I might write an update this weekend. I might not.
Turns out I got around to it tonight. Note that now any bugs with the adventure maximizing code are mafia's fault and not ours (probably). Added support for the soda and fixed the longstanding bug with it telling you to soak in BM.
If you change the maximize command to

cli_execute("maximize adv -tie");

It will only change those slots that have an effect on rollover adv, and leave the rest of your slots alone (otherwise it switches out the equipment in other slots for things that the maximizer thinks has other beneficial effects).

-TH3Y merely suggest
I thought "maximize adv" implied -tie. Or maybe it's "maximize adventures" that implies it, but I think it's the first one.
It definitely isn't doing it right now, so I'll fix it. It just put on a nurse's hat when trying to max adventures, removing my brimstone beret and thus shrugging ode. Curses.

Guess it's time for 0.61
The "You can still made Prismatic Wads today" should read "make".

It also doesn't check for sugar summoning.
If there were some way to detect whether the Canticle of Carboloading were available and hadn't been cast yet, that would make a good addition to this script.
Oh yeah, I should add Sugars and Brickos, forgot about their introduction. I'll do this, and Canticle sometime probably next week. I don't want to post updates too regularly, and I don't want to write Canticle checking code before I can test it (I'll ascend PM at the weekend I guess).
Oh yeah I probably should have mentioned that. I made the changes like 10 days ago and completely forgot to upload it.
Here's a patch to check for the hatter buff and crimbo present. Feel free to add to the main script if you like. Caveat: I have tested only minimally...

	// Check if the hatter buff can still be used today
	if (item_amount($item[Clan VIP Lounge key])>0&&!in_bad_moon()&&get_property("_lookingGlass")==true&&get_property("_madTeaParty")==false) {
		print("You can still visit the Hatter today, use the 'hatter' command to see which buffs are available");

	// Check if there is a Crimbo Tree present available
	if (item_amount($item[Clan VIP Lounge key])>0&&!in_bad_moon()&&get_property("_crimboTree")==true&&to_int(get_property("crimboTreeDays"))==0) {
		print("You have a present available under the Crimbo Tree");
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Another patch, for "Summon Crimbo Candy". Add to the skills check list (underneath Pastamastery, around line 90, would be a good place.)

				contains_text(skillName, "Crimbo Candy")				||
Is this being superseded by StDoodle's relay script? I haven't checked that out yet.

Some other things that would be nice to add here:
- autosell your bugged beanie / bugged balaclava and get another one
- if a mine is open and you have Unaccompanied Miner, check whether you've spent 5 turns mining
- unused Yellow Ray?
- clovers available & not purchased?
- PvPed for flowers?
Is this being superseded by StDoodle's relay script? I haven't checked that out yet.

My script is aimed more towards the anal-about-how-things-happen bleeding-edge crowd, who want no automation, just information. Also, it's more of a "check often" script than this one, which is a "check before logout" script. There's lots of overlap, but two niches.

Some other things that would be nice to add here:
- autosell your bugged beanie / bugged balaclava and get another one
- if a mine is open and you have Unaccompanied Miner, check whether you've spent 5 turns mining
- unused Yellow Ray?
- clovers available & not purchased?
- PvPed for flowers?

Some thoughts on these. #2 (miner) seems a good idea to add to my script as well, I'll have to make a note. #3 (YR) doesn't fit with my script's use too well, but I could see it having a place for this one. Should be easy to check with get_counters(). I've wanted to add something for PvP for a while in my script, but I have a great dislike for PvP, and all of the processing would need to be done with visit_url(), as mafia doesn't track fights used per day. If anyone codes PvP fight checking, I'd love to see (& steal) the code. ;)
The script has problems interpreting the ginormous pumpkin. To determine the quality of housing, it uses the number in the image name. In the case of the pumpkin, however, that number is "a", so the to_int doesn't work.