bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!


Active member
Yeah, there was no 'bcs_fam_meat' file. No clue who made that and didn't include the data file. Useful though.

To keep things sensical, we now have a data file and it's called bcs_fam_meatnuns, since that's the only place it's used.
I want propose a change. If we have the preferences set to do the arena sidequest from the war why not the have the script do the Having a Medicine Ball non combat in the Haunted Bathroom as many times as we can since we already doing the Haunted Bathroom to get the old eyebrow pencil, rosewater creme, bronzer and Lady Spookyraven's powderpuff?
With lead pipe to oversized pipe change BCA needs to be changed as well. There is a line which has lead pipe and needs to be changed to oversized pipe


With lead pipe to oversized pipe change BCA needs to be changed as well. There is a line which has lead pipe and needs to be changed to oversized pipe

it is this one. changed it locally and it was fine.

Bad item value: "lead pipe" (bumcheekascend.ash, line 7061)
Last edited:


Active member
Amusingly it no longer has that error, with the new lead pipe. But it still needed to try to sell the right item.


What is BCA's obsession with Big Bass Drums as a moxie class? I have so many better weapons, but have to keep checking to make sure it hasn't switched the Drum.


But BCA chooses the parameters, and the ordering, right? At the moment, as far as I can see, there is no consideration of item power, just item stats.


Active member
If you have a specific maximizer string where it's getting you killed, please post that string and where it's happening. Otherwise, enjoy micromanaging. Anecdotes aren't as useful as you might think...


Everything is an anecdote, Theraze!

This is what BCA does with my items when I first start it up, after I put a Big Bass Drum in my inventory.

BCC: Maximizing '+outfit war hippy fatigues'
Maximizing (1st time may take a while)...
136 combinations checked, best score 392.67
Wielding big bass drum...
Equipment changed.
Putting on astral shirt...
Equipment changed.
Putting on sphygmomanometer...
Equipment changed.

#Some other stuff

BCC: Need items!
Set mood trigger: When I run low on Fat Leon's Phat Loot Lyric, cast 1 Fat Leon's Phat Loot Lyric
Set mood trigger: When I run low on Leash of Linguini, cast 1 Leash of Linguini
Conditions list cleared.
BCC: Maximizing '+outfit war hippy fatigues'
40 combinations checked, best score 392.67
BCC: Attempting to kill up to 192 enemies in the war. You have 464 dead already, attempting to do the war as a hippy.
BCC: Your familiar is set to a 100% Puck Man

#Other stuff

BCC: Need items!
Set mood trigger: When I run low on Fat Leon's Phat Loot Lyric, cast 1 Fat Leon's Phat Loot Lyric
Set mood trigger: When I run low on Leash of Linguini, cast 1 Leash of Linguini
Conditions list cleared.
BCC: Maximizing '+outfit war hippy fatigues'
40 combinations checked, best score 392.67
BCC: Attempting to kill up to 458 enemies in the war. You have 464 dead already, attempting to do the war as a hippy.
BCC: We have not completed the stage [warstage_arena].
BCC: Starting SideQuest 'arena'
BCC: doSideQuest(Arena)
BCC: Finding the GMoB to flyer him...
BCC: Preparing Booze (Have 0 SCC and 4 ACC)
BCC: Maximizing ''
32 combinations checked, best score 285.67
Putting on bloodied surgical dungarees...
Equipment changed.
Putting on sphygmomanometer...
Equipment changed.

And this is the last maximiser string:

0 beeosity, mainstat 79 max, -melee +moxie experience +0.5 mp regen min +0.5 mp regen max, .5 hp, -equip hilarious comedy prop 10 random monster modifiers

This switched my weapon from a Beer Bong to the Big Bass Drum.


Staff member
Everything is an anecdote

"anecdote" is a codeword for a bug report or generalized complaint that is unlikely to be worked on by a script or KoLmafia developer because there is not enough information to identify or reproduce the problem. That pretty much describes your first report although it is not reasonable to expect you to have known the local meaning of anecdote.

That said, you did identify a specific maximizer string and it is certainly possible to ask (and answer) why does the mazimizer replace a Beer Bong with a Big Bass drum when the referenced string is used. There are some maximizer debug/information commands that I cannot recall but the next step would be for someone who can recall to post the command, someone can run it and the output may shed some light on the behavior.


Active member
I think 'dump' was the maximizer term you were looking for. :) What I'll probably add though is weapon power as a standard maximization string, probably at .1 level, bonus weapon damage, probably at .5, and ranged damage, same as bonus weap but only for moxie.
I'll need to run the maximization string a few times and see what I can get out of this.

Really, this is a side-effect of the combat change which made ranged damage not require moxious maneuver that simply hasn't been reported (by my memory) in the years since. :)


Active member
No, it means that after 79 points of mainstat, it no longer counts more mainstat as a positive. Since you should be safe and... who cares about the rest? :)


That sounds great. Even a small consideration of item power will help stop the maximiser choosing the very weakest items - if I took the Big Bass Drum out of inventory but left the hermit items in, the maximiser would use one of those!