Bulk Item Sending Help:Request for a Script


New member
I need a script that will send all tradeable items to any specified person. I already have something to be used for mallbotting, but the question remains how I can get those items from my main, who is going to ascend, to my mall multi. I have an excess of items, and not enough time or patience to transfer them.
An optional function you may include in here is the ability to "mark" certain items to not be traded, or only have a certain number of them be traded. I have no experience in dealing with coding scripts, so I don't know the capabilities of these scripts.
A reward will be provided if this script comes forth. I'm not rich, but you can have my life savings of 500,000 meat:)
I already have something to be used for mallbotting

If by mallbotting you mean you have some program set to check the mall constantly and buy up underpriced stuff when you're not even at the computer, then I hope people are unwilling to help you out with anything.
This should work. You'll need ZLib... which already does the whole splitting and stuff, so I guess the whole attachments bit was unnecessary. It'll send every sendable item in your inventory to a specified recipient.

Also, I'm assuming by "mallbotting" you mean dumping your whole inventory into the mall, undercutting or whatever. Those are built-in features in Mafia (store manager and item manager). So no harm done there.

(Assumption based on purpose of script that the OP asked for)


Copy and paste

Hey little simpler one depending on zlib, it also works a bit faster, and shows all items sent.

import <zlib.ash>

int[item] to_send;
int attachments = 0;
void main(string player) {
foreach it in $items[]{
if(item_amount(it)>0) {
if (is_tradeable(it) || is_giftable(it)){
to_send[it] = item_amount(it);
vprint("Sending " + to_send[it] + " of " + it , -2);
kmail(player, "", 0, to_send, "");
Even simpler!

import <zlib.ash>

void main(string player) {
   int[item] to_send = get_inventory();
   foreach it in to_send
      if (is_tradeable(it) || is_giftable(it))
         vprint("Sending " + to_send[it] + " of " + it , -2);
       else remove to_send[it];
   kmail(player, "All my friggin' items.", 0, to_send, "");