Mafia version: r28465
Ascension type: Softcore Zootomist
Script being used: autoscend zootomist_redux, as well as the original zooto branch and autoscend after the original zooto branch was merged
I've been working with HippoKing trying to figure out a long-running bug I've been having where after autoscend grafts my Ragamuffin Imp (for lvl 11), the script aborts because it really wants to use the Imp again despite it being already grafted. Refresh all does not fix it, but at least once quitting and restarting mafia did.
Both before and after refresh.
Attached are the most recent log and my zootsuit.
Ascension type: Softcore Zootomist
Script being used: autoscend zootomist_redux, as well as the original zooto branch and autoscend after the original zooto branch was merged
I've been working with HippoKing trying to figure out a long-running bug I've been having where after autoscend grafts my Ragamuffin Imp (for lvl 11), the script aborts because it really wants to use the Imp again despite it being already grafted. Refresh all does not fix it, but at least once quitting and restarting mafia did.
> get zootGraftedButtCheekRightFamiliar
Both before and after refresh.
Attached are the most recent log and my zootsuit.