Buff catalog self duplicating


New member
We're running a minor little buffbot for out clan. I'm using the script provide here to auto log out. I'm using a windows scheduled task to auto login at about 1 am (eastern US time). I've now seen this twice.
the catalog should look like
2007 8 68

2008 19 68

2009 4 68

2010 16 68

2012 9 68

4007 5 68

but twice now, with no intervention from me it has ended up something like
2007 8 68
2007 8 68
2007 8 68

2008 19 68
2008 19 68
2008 19 68

2009 4 68
2009 4 68
2009 4 68

2010 16 68
2010 16 68
2010 16 68

2012 9 68
2012 9 68
2012 9 68

4007 5 68
4007 5 68
4007 5 68

I've got a pretty severe report of it right now. If it would help. when I get home tonight, I can post the original file I used (I still have a copy in my email) and post what it has morphed into

Oh, I running Windows XP and Mafia 12.5
Attached are two copies of the catalog I use. One is labeled Buffer_of_slaves.txt. That is the correct one. One is labeled Buffer_of_slaves_broken.txt. That is the one I found after reports of overly large buffs today.
Any idea what's going on here?


I've had the same thing happen. I think that it happens when you alter the list of available buffs after a certain something happens (not sure what though). If you just delete the repeats and restart mafia, it should work normally.