New Content - Implemented Buddy Bjorn

All the existing entries in modifiers.txt will work, except "modtrace" needs to show that it's coming from a different slot. Maybe the text can just be updated to start with "Bjorn:" for that? I don't expect it to be quite that simple.

r13654. Hopefully no unintended consequences.
When I'm wearing a Crown of Thrones and want to put a familiar in it that's currently in my Buddy Bjorn, "enthrone" will not remove it from bjorn, it will instead try to put it in the crown and fail. The fix for this probably belongs in just after
if ( this.enthrone )
I'll look into that soon.
When I'm wearing a Crown of Thrones and want to put a familiar in it that's currently in my Buddy Bjorn, "enthrone" will not remove it from bjorn, it will instead try to put it in the crown and fail. The fix for this probably belongs in just after
if ( this.enthrone )
I'll look into that soon.

The reverse is true with a familiar in the Throne that the maximizer wants in the Bjorn. (even though the two fams are 'equal', and I used the -tie) (knob grinder in the Bjorn, and happy medium in the Throne (not equipped))
This did work in r13653 I believe, when I was testing the Maximizer code. It would remove the familiar from the other carrier before trying to carry them.

I can't test now as I'm in run.

Looks maybe as if the below code in BjornifyCommand, and the similar code in EntroneCommand aren't working for some reason.
 			else if ( KoLCharacter.getEnthroned().equals( change ) )
				RequestThread.postRequest( FamiliarRequest.enthroneRequest( FamiliarData.NO_FAMILIAR ) );
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The problem shows up when you aren't wearing the item. The request to take the familiar out sees that you aren't wearing it and does nothing, which is what the code clearly says to do. It now needs to equip that item, take the familiar out, and (probably) switch back to the previous item for that step.
The problem shows up when you aren't wearing the item. The request to take the familiar out sees that you aren't wearing it and does nothing, which is what the code clearly says to do. It now needs to equip that item, take the familiar out, and (probably) switch back to the previous item for that step.

Nice spot.
I've always been too lazy to switch familiars in my crown. Now it happens automatically. Pretty darn cool.
Darzil, thanks for all the maximizer work on the Bjorn/CoT. I ran a maximizer string and was surprised to find it put on both my CoT and Bjorn with appropriate familiars in each. I had no idea that there were familiars with +25% meat drops.
Any specific reason why "maximize adv, -tie" will remove the current occupant of a Buddy Bjorn? (it suggested I keep the Buddy Bjorn on but remove the familiar)
Maximizer goes through all your familiars to find the best one (two if you have both CoT and BB) familiar, by seeing if they are better than none first, then if they are better than the current best (and/or second best). With -tie it doesn't do tiebreakers, so doesn't think any familiars will help more than none, as none help with +adv. If you don't have any other back items that give +adv, none of those are suggested instead of what you are wearing. The result of these two is keep what you have, but with no familiar.

I guess what I could do is default to current Familiar if removing familiar is suggested, though if the current familiar is worse than none that would produce a bad result. I'm open to suggestions that will always work and not do something bad. This one did indeed maximize adv accurately.
I think I have a fix, but can't test exhaustively on Astilbe as she only has Buddy Bjorn. Can test on Darzil tomorrow though, as he should rescue king then.
Thanks to a loan from Random Thief, r13678 should fix this.

There may still be some edge cases (eg you have a familiar in CoT, and an empty BB on, maximize for +adv and have no better equipment, and you did maximize adv, it'd recommend moving familiar to BB), but I think this deals with most reasonable ones I can think of at present. (This is because if two familiars are best in slot for both CoT and BB, the best is put in BB)
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