Bug - Not A Bug Breakfast ignoring Winter Garden/Daily Deeds changed

No Touchy

New member
Build - v17.5 r17614

Alright, so this happened right after I updated to 17.5.
I have tried this 2 days now and it's happened both days.

First thing my Breakfast seems to be ignoring my Winter Garden now (I am and have been out of ronin for a long time.)
Not sure if it's missing other stuff as well, but that's the most noticeable.

Also it changed my daily deed list. It used to have my Barrel Shrine and all of the Source Terminal options, but it removed those completely. (I have added them back manually already.)
Just a guess. Are you running it on a flash drive? Which is out of space because of so many session logs?
Just a guess. Are you running it on a flash drive? Which is out of space because of so many session logs?

Negative, I'm on a PC with plenty of room. I'm not sure if this caused it, but my PC crashed the same day I updated my build to 17.5. When I turned it back on my Mafia had forgotten my saved passwords and this stuff started happening.

I didn't see any DEBUG reports that happened during those days either.
If you were lucky enough to use Dropbox or another versioning system, roll back a few versions. If my computer goes BSoD while mafia is running, my preferences will usually be corrupt when it boots back up. The right file to return to is two before the file size bloats - when it's good, my settings file is about 59kb; when bad, it's over 400kb.
What does your Automation/After Ronin say about harvesting your garden? (The bottommost combo box.)

Or try this and report back:

[color=green]> get harvestGardenSoftcore[/color]

fancy beer label (3)

I did change garden harvesting and maybe it was not a backwards compatible change, although you'd be the first to report it.
What does your Automation/After Ronin say about harvesting your garden? (The bottommost combo box.)

Or try this and report back:

[color=green]> get harvestGardenSoftcore[/color]

fancy beer label (3)

I did change garden harvesting and maybe it was not a backwards compatible change, although you'd be the first to report it.

Alright, this is going to be a bit more complex now since I've ascended into HC SneakyPete.(This still shouldn't affect me harvesting the Winter Garden though.)
And I'm not super techy with Mafia, but I get the gist of things.

I went ahead and deleted all of my files except for my saved scripts and reinstalled KolMafia v17.5. Doesn't seem to have done anything to fix the breakfast.
This did give me a DEBUG report, but I can't make any sense of it.

I'm not entirely sure what you're asking for so I'll just go ahead and show you what my CLI is giving me.

[color=green]> get harvestGardenSoftcore[/color]


[color=green]> get harvestGardenHardcore[/color]


[color=green]> breakfast[/color]

Visiting Deluxe Mr. Klaw "Skill" Crane Game in clan VIP lounge
You acquire an item: fancy opera glasses
Visiting Deluxe Mr. Klaw "Skill" Crane Game in clan VIP lounge
Visiting Deluxe Mr. Klaw "Skill" Crane Game in clan VIP lounge
You acquire an item: bejeweled cufflinks
Visiting Crimbo Tree in clan VIP lounge
Visiting Looking Glass in clan VIP lounge
You acquire an item: "DRINK ME" potion
Let's cannonball in the swimming pool.
You start screwing around in the swimming pool.
In the pool, flipping over.

Doing handstand in clan VIP swimming pool
In the pool, diving for treasure.

Diving for treasure in clan VIP swimming pool
You found a pool torpedo in the VIP pool!
Getting out of the pool.

Getting out of clan VIP swimming pool
Unknown item found: none
I went ahead and deleted all of my files except for my saved scripts and reinstalled KolMafia v17.5. Doesn't seem to have done anything to fix the breakfast.
What you do in breakfast is in your per-character preferences. If you really "deleted all my files", you reset your preferences to the factory defaults (so to speak).

This did give me a DEBUG report, but I can't make any sense of it.
Post it here, please. We would like to make sense of it.

[color=green]> get harvestGardenSoftcore[/color]


[color=green]> get harvestGardenHardcore[/color]

Yup. Your breakfast setting specifically say "Do not harvest anything from my garden".

Go to Preferences
On the left, you will see a section labeled Automation.
Within that you can selected "In Ronin" (Hardcore) and "After Ronin" (Softcore).
Select one or the other and at the bottom you will see a combo box (dropdown).

For you, it will say "Harvest Nothing".

Set those to whatever you want. Perhaps you want "Harvest Anything", which will pick whatever is in your garden every day, no matter what kind of garden you have. Perhaps you want to let your Winter Garden grow for three days and pick a Frost Flower. Of course, if you do that and have a different kind of garden planted, it will never pick it, since other gardens wll not give you a Frost Flower.

In any case, whether and when KoLmafia picks your garden is completely under the control of your settings - which are completely under your manual control. So, set them the way you want!

As I said, I adjusted how garden settings worked a while ago and, perhaps, it reset yours. If so, I am sorry, but the good news is that you can fix them yourself.

I'm going to mark this Not a Bug. If your harvestGardenSoftcore and harvestGardenHardcore settings are "none", then KoLmafia is doing exactly the right thing by not picking your garden during breakfast. Change them to what you really want, using the Preferences GUI, and I am confident that breakfast will work the way you expect.

Report back, if not. Or if so. And lets see that DEBUG log, please.

I gave you advice and asked you to report back on whether it really fixed your issue. To that end, I set the status of this "Waiting for Info".

That was a week ago. No response. I'm going to mark this "Not a Bug".

If you want to give feedback, you are still welcome to do so, but until/unless you do, this is done.