Breakfast and Daily Deeds


Staff member
I have this recollection that, when I first discovered the Daily Deeds panel, the Breakfast button would be gray'd out only if all the things specified to be done for Breakfast had actually been done the daily max number of times.

Now the button seems to be gray'd out if Breakfast was invoked once without regard to whether everything possible had been completed to the daily max.

Is my memory faulty or has something changed? If the latter was it deliberate? I am pondering a Bug Request, Feature Request or an "I'm gonna just do it myself" task but am not sure which one is supposed to apply.

If a feature request, then it would be to ask that the Breakfast button in Daily Deeds remain active until all of the summons, casts and other activities have been performed up to the daily limit.


I believe that this is a feature request since I'm pretty sure the status of that button has always been slaved to the breakfastCompleted variable which becomes true even if you ran out of MP and weren't able to summon dry noodles.


Active member
Wouldn't 'breakfastCompleted' being marked true when it's not actually completed be a bug, not a freq?