Breakable equipment fine tuning


This script lets you specify what to do when equipment breaks in combat (abort, equip another, equip the previous item, etc.), individually for each breakable item instead of a global default setting. This capability already existed, but in the form of manual preference setting only; the script gives you a GUI for it. I considered the dozen or so individual settings to be too much clutter for mafia's normal preferences, but if you really want that level of control - here it is!

This script is also a testbed for some newly added features, so you need daily build r8318 or later to use it at all - release 14.0 will NOT work. To use it:
* Put the script in the relay folder, rather than the scripts folder. You can rename it if you want it to appear with a different name, but the "relay_" prefix must remain.
* Select it from the -script- menu that will appear at the bottom right of the top pane in the relay browser. If mafia was already running when you installed the script, click the [re] link in the top pane to refresh it.
* Unlike mafia's built-in preferences, you have to click the "Save changes" button for your new selections to be accepted.


Looks nifty. Could I perhaps request that write_option() and write_select() be added as built-in functions? If so, they should probably return a string that can be optionally used to insert text into a page, rather than using write() & writeln() & returning void, I would wager. FWIW, it appears that using "\n" works fine for new lines in html source.

Edit 2:

Ignore my first edit; apparently I mis-typed something when testing <textearea>. Doh.
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