New Content - Implemented Bounty Hunter Hunter update


June 16
Starting tonight (and continuing for a couple of weeks) there will be a bunch of new Bounty Hunter Hunter bounties.

Today we have:

10 sugar buttons from gingerbread murderers in Madness Bakery

13 rubber ribs from model skeletons in the Haunted Laboratory of Spookyraven Manor

10 hardened lava globs from lava golems in the LavaCo™ Lamp Factory
Some more bounty stuff:

10 brightly-colored bottlecaps from cooler winos in the Overgrown Lot

8 filthy rags from bartenders at the Copperhead Club

8 black eyes from black panthers in the Black Forest

10 empty rum bottles from filthy pirates in Pirates of the Garbage Barges

I also saw a bounty for the glaciest, but didn't accept it so I can't find it in my session logs.
17012 added yesterday's bounties, and 17013 covers today's bounties.

10 empty rum bottles from filthy pirates in Pirates of the Garbage Barges

I also saw a bounty for the glaciest, but didn't accept it so I can't find it in my session logs.

I've checked the BHH every day and haven't seen either of those...
So the only new specialty bounty you've seen are the lava globs from the volcano? Weird.

Is there a preferred way to capture the data the next time I see it? Here is a combat log from the pirates.

[40259] Pirates of the Garbage Barges
Encounter: filthy pirate
Round 0: godemperordune wins initiative!
Round 1: godemperordune executes a macro!
Round 1: godemperordune attacks!
Round 2: filthy pirate takes 1194 damage.
Round 2: Walanda runs in circles around your opponent, tangling him up in the nasty child leash and dealing 1 damage.
Round 2: filthy pirate takes 1 damage.
Round 2: godemperordune wins the fight!
After Battle: Clopclep spins and whirls in the breeze, like a spicy little dust devil.
After Battle: Walanda does a little fairy dance.
You acquire an item: grogpagne
You acquire an item: dirty rigging rope
After Battle: You gain 13 Fortitude
After Battle: You gain 27 Mysteriousness
After Battle: You gain 5 Chutzpah
You acquire a bounty item: empty rum bottle
Data fields in bounty.txt:
# Single Name, Plural Name, Type, Image, Number, Monster, Best Location

Presumably the best solution would be if we created overrides upon visiting bounty.php (similar to what we do for new items / effects), but I'm not sure if that's worth the effort.
So the only new specialty bounty you've seen are the lava globs from the volcano?
I've also seen The Ice Hotel. So, two unique ones in 3 days.

Data fields in bounty.txt:
# Single Name, Plural Name, Type, Image, Number, Monster, Best Location

Presumably the best solution would be if we created overrides upon visiting bounty.php (similar to what we do for new items / effects), but I'm not sure if that's worth the effort.

The singular name isn't there, the monster name sometimes doesn't quite match the actual monster's name, and location names at the very least don't bother capitalizing The. I've been double-checking monsters.txt and adventures.txt to make sure I get it right for bounty.txt.
_unknownSpecialBountyItem | chesthair.gif:10:vivisected hairs | | user
The bounty hunter wants 10 vivisected hairs from lab monkeys in the Secret Government Laboratory.
Last edited:

Haunted pullstring is missing its bounty number (13) in bounty.txt:
filthy rag	filthy rags	hard	dishrag.gif	8	Copperhead Club bartender	The Copperhead Club
haunted pullstring	haunted pullstrings	hard	string.gif	creepy doll	The Haunted Nursery

> ash $bounty[haunted pullstring]

Bad bounty value: "haunted pullstring" ()
I'm assuming we either have them all by now or that it'll be updates as and when people notice something missing.
10 empty rum bottles from filthy pirates in Pirates of the Garbage Barges

This one is still missing.

You're on the trail of a Specialty Bounty! Come back when you've collected 10 empty rum bottles from filthy pirates on the Pirates of the Garbage Barges ride
(You can reach this area by using a one-day ticket to Dinseylandfill.)

You acquire a bounty item: empty rum bottle
Bounty Item empty rum bottle not yet known to KoLMafia.

> ash $bounty[empty rum bottle]

Bad bounty value: "empty rum bottle" ()