New Content bottled Vampire Vintner the October 2021 IotM


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Some kind of mosquito/potato that drops booze.

Once I got one booze (14 combats) the familiar seemed to expect me to do something. I think I need to consume the booze to get more, but I'm drastically over drunk.

Attached (to preserve tabs) is everything I was able to get to.


Reading on the KoL forums, there seems to be only one bottle of wine and how its description and effect depends on the damage you do to end the combat that drops the wine.
I'll add a few things for this over the next day but it's hard to fully inplement until it's spaded
Results for Vampire Vintner after 10 trials using 120 turns:

Contest XP[1] XP[2] XP[3] Original Rank Derived Rank
Ultimate Cage Match
Scavenger Hunt
Obstacle Course
Hide and Seek
According to clannies, the Crown/Bjorn main function is +10 HP. I'm in Gel Noob, so it's a little harder to research. But secondary function is healing (I only had 7 adventures to work with, but 10-12 for those).
I've implemented a bunch of the iotm in the latest mafia rev
data change:
Trivial Updates:
October 19 -
Newer Vampire Vintner wine is now slightly more potent, older wine is now less potent. All wine gives 2 more turns of the appropriate effect.
I've been using this for the first time on my Standard runs. I quite like the wines!

- are they scheduled? If you have an undrunk one, he looks at you expectantly.
- they vary. They all have the same itemId - 10800 - which we call 1950 Vampire Vintner wine, but they are by no means all equal.

For example, right now, I have "1968 Mustard Freeze Isabella", which grants 12 turns of "Wine-Cold". These are the status effects:

2659    Wine-Fortified    redwine.gif    e7ec714f1fdc254831f8fec3c74ba803    neutral    nohookah    drink 1 1950 Vampire Vintner wine
2660    Wine-Hot    redwine.gif    f562dd161fe50cc22b3ab10f04e1f26a    neutral    nohookah    drink 1 1950 Vampire Vintner wine
2661    Wine-Frisky    redwine.gif    98cf0260d82830c8b4d3723f790b6d9a    neutral    nohookah    drink 1 1950 Vampire Vintner wine
2662    Wine-Cold    redwine.gif    2c8403618f61dcb65a076c48979812e1    neutral    nohookah    drink 1 1950 Vampire Vintner wine
2663    Wine-Dark    redwine.gif    91221f225a1cfcc58156624ba3342349    neutral    nohookah    drink 1 1950 Vampire Vintner wine
2664    Wine-Befouled    redwine.gif    4a8aaadf65ca893d80287e7a4225ff96    neutral    nohookah    drink 1 1950 Vampire Vintner wine
2665    Wine-Friendly    redwine.gif    14e58c7caa942927ebdb75d93f1de316    neutral    nohookah    drink 1 1950 Vampire Vintner wine

Note that the maximizer will consider all of those effects and will recommend "drink 1 1950 Vampire Vintner wine", whether or not the wine you currently have will give you that effect. Right now, I maximized for "hot resistance" and it suggests that I drink my wine - even though it will grant me cold resistance.

Perhaps we need a setting - currentVintnerWineEffect - to record the expected effect, and another to record the name of the wine (if we care about the "newer vs. older" trivial update cited above. Perhaps the Booze second of the Item Manager can show you the actual wine you have and its effects.

What does "slightly more potent" mean? Every one of these wines I've seen is size 1. Or does it refer to consumption stats - adv, mus, mys, mox? Has there been spading on this anywhere? Actually, the Wiki page for 1950 Vampire Vintner wine has a lot of info.

Huh. Since I am now actively using this familiar, perhaps I should look into adding the support. :)
This is a good start:

> test vintner

1974 Festive Porridge Montepulciano is a level 10 physical wine.
It grants 12 turns of the 'Wine-Fortified' effect:
Weapon Damage: +30, Damage Reduction: +30, Initiative: +100, Critical Hit Percent: +20

> prefref vintner

vintnerWineName1974 Festive Porridge Montepulcianouser

That looks up the description for 1950 Vampire Vintner Wine, sees what effect it grants, looks up the effect, and sets various preferences. gausie already made the modifiers for the various wine effects depend on that vintnerWineLevel property. So:

> ash string_modifier( $effect[ Wine-Fortified ], "Modifiers" )

Returned: Weapon Damage: [pref(vintnerWineLevel)*3], Damage Reduction: [pref(vintnerWineLevel)*3], Initiative: [pref(vintnerWineLevel)*10], Critical Hit Percent: [pref(vintnerWineLevel)*2]

> ash string_modifier( $effect[ Wine-Fortified ], "Evaluated Modifiers" )

Returned: Weapon Damage: +30, Damage Reduction: +30, Initiative: +100, Critical Hit Percent: +20

I may submit this as is, for now. There is more to do: make sure we parse the description every time a new wine comes into inventory, reset the properties when you drink a wine, check the settings when you log in with a wine in inventory, and so on. But this is still useful on its own.

Here is a character with no Vampire Vintner:

> test vintner

You currently have no access to a 1950 Vampire Vintner wine

> prefref vintner


> ash string_modifier( $effect[ Wine-Fortified ], "Evaluated Modifiers" )

Returned: Weapon Damage: 0, Damage Reduction: 0, Initiative: 0, Critical Hit Percent: 0
We now track the "charge" of the vintner.

The only thing left to my mind in supporting this is to keep track of the types of damage dealt in vintner combats. This is quite difficult, as the damage tracking code we have used for over a decade strips all the elemental source data as its first action. We need to be able to end each combat round tallying the damage that was dealt by familiar, spell, physical and each of the five elements. I think the implementation of damage tracking grouped by source type is something that probably merits discussion, so... thoughts!