Feature - Rejected Between battle script doesn't fire in Hidden Temple


In these days of hipster combats, shouldn't the between battle script fire in the temple too? (Also, are there other locations where the between battle script isn't called for adventuring?)
Well, technically it's a 100% NC zone, though holidays and nemesis monsters have always tried to surprise you in there...
That could be an iffy thing to do. A betweenbattlescript might try to do things like restore a bunch of MP, which is often a bad idea when you're in the temple, since you're likely to just lose it all in a few adventures.
Yeah... this would work better as a FReq, not a Bug report, because it IS technically a between battle script in a non-battle zone.
Yeah... this would work better as a FReq, not a Bug report, because it IS technically a between battle script in a non-battle zone.

Good point, changed.

This request must be for bumcheekcity's ascend script. I could see an argument for another preference, because I wouldn't want the default behavior changed.
I am quite sure that I don't want KoLmafia restoring my MP when I am in the Hidden Temple. This would HAVE to be preference-controlled.
Yeah, this is definitely for automatically ascending, but I can't be the only one who is tired of being accidentally beaten up by hipster combats in the hidden temple.

Given that this is somewhat controversial, that's why I suggested calling the between battle script (which could be smart about what to do based on location) rather than just blindly restoring hp or mp.
I am quite sure that I don't want KoLmafia restoring my MP when I am in the Hidden Temple.

Well it does now! My recovery script has logic to determine if you want to recover HP in the hidden temple or the mine or other such areas, based on equipped hipster, FoB monsters, etc. (And I don't recovery MP in the temple regardless of those things.)

If you are thinking of adding a preference, please don't remove my recovery script's ability to determine this.
I'm not thinking of adding a preference. I'm thinking of rejecting this, since it sounds like the default behavior is "correct" for core KoLmafia and if you want something else, you can use a recovery script.
If you don't mind me asking, when do recovery scripts fire (or not fire)?

Recovery scripts fire EVERY time mafia wants to recover HP or MP. This is after any (combat or non-combat) adventure, but if you were adventuring in the relay browser and it doesn't take an action, then it won't fire. So if you encounter Dr. Awkward in the "Drawn Onward" adventure in the relay browser then it won't recover being beaten up, but if you encounter that adventure through automatic adventuring you will recover.

Actually... that sorta sounds like a bug. Is it?
My recovery script has logic to determine if you want to recover HP in the hidden temple or the mine or other such areas, based on equipped hipster, FoB monsters, etc. (And I don't recovery MP in the temple regardless of those things.)

If you are thinking of adding a preference, please don't remove my recovery script's ability to determine this.
In honest confusion, what do between battle scripts have to do with recovery?
Nothing. I can't say why Veracity brought it up...
Ha ha ha. Good joke!
I do have it set to restore and maintain Mood during manual adventuring. It does not do those if the adventure takes no turns. Mostly that only matters with "Drawn Onward" since that does so much damage.

I don't think that there is any other non-combat that does damage and doesn't take a turn.

If I tatter from a fight that takes no turn, but restoration does trigger.