Between battle actions failed. Click the image if you'd like to continue anyway.


Staff member
I remember that this is a new feature and I'm fine with that. However I would rather not see it at the moment because I am now playing a Boriscore run pretty much manually. I cleared betweenBattleScript but I am still getting the message. My guess is that I have some residual settings remaining from automation but I'm not sure what else to check. I do have UR set as recoveryScript but my stats are such that it should not be triggering. What am I missing?

There are 4 between battle actions. They are done in this order:

1) run a script (betweenBattleScript & relayRunsBeforeBattleScript)
2) maintain a mood (currentMood & relayMaintainsEffects)
3) restore HP (hpAutoRecovery & relayMaintainsHealth)
4) restore MP (mpAutoRecovery & relayMaintainsMan)

The first property I listed determines what is executed, either in the GUI or the Relay Browser, at that step. The second property controls whether the Relay Browser even considers the step. All eight of those are settable, somewhere in the GUI.

Any of the steps can fail. Since all of them are "between battle actions", failure of any of them will cause the warning screen that annoyed you.

Your problem was failure to recognize that "between battle actionS" is not identical to "betweenBattleScript".

Your other problem was failure to recognize that in Axecore, you do not know Leash, so failure to cast it had nothing to do with your maximum MP. :)

I deliberately avoided using the A word. I guess I managed to telegraph that I was thinking about it anyway.

I expect my problem was that there were more between battle actions than I could remember so thank you for enumerating them. Someday I will remember the extra step and capture them in the Wiki but that day is not today.

And yes, while it is true my MP was to low to cast it the fact that I did not have the skill did trigger the failure first.

Is there currently a way to turn off this warning without having to turn off normal automatic restoration of HP/MP? Often when I am running in relay it is precisely because my automated HP/MP restore isn't working properly and I have to adventure a few turns to enable scripted adventuring to work again. I looked through all my settings and don't see a way to opt out.
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Often when I am running in relay it is precisely because my automated HP/MP restore isn't working properly and I have to adventure a few turns to enable scripted adventuring to work again.
So you say that you generally automate turns and want your between battle actions - script/mood/HP restore/MP restore - to execute there, but when you adventure in the relay browser, it's because you can't automate and want to adventure "a few turns" there before going back to automation.

Very good. Go to Preferences/Relay Browser and uncheck the four options which tell KoLmafia to do the between battle actions when you are doing manual adventuring.

Run betweenBattleScript before manual adventures
Run moods before manual adventures
Maintain health before manual adventures
Maintain mana before manual adventures

You do that, then you can automate as usual, KoLmafia will do moods and recovery, and if they fail, you can go to the Relay Browser and run without automatic moods and recovery and without the attendant failure screen, and when you are ready, resume automation.

Now, if you ever spend an extended time in the Relay Browser and WANT KoLmafia to maintain your HP and so on, you'll want to re-check those boxes, but that is not the use-case you describe.
Not exactly, but based on your response I suppose my needs have wandered into the realm of a feature request. I will post there. Thank you.