Ooh. I'd been looking at the online documentation, which is for 1.5.3 and doesn't have the --rebase option. That's nice!
Edit 1: But it doesn't work quite right. When I run gitk, it thinks that the remote that I just pulled from is in a different state than it really is (somehow, my local master with no changes was ahead of it) until I explicitly run git fetch again from that remote. Guess I'm still stuck running them as separate commands. =( I'm running 1.7.4 if that matters.
Edit 2: Aha, latest stable is 1.7.6, I'll give that a try and see if --rebase works like I expect it to.
Edit 3: w00t, the --rebase option on git pull in 1.7.6 works like a charm. This saves a lot of typing whenever I forget that I have aliases to do this stuff!