Now that Veracity has fixed up the Spooky Forest choice adventure to not get messed up automating the spooky sapling, some handling needs to be added to BBB. Right now my newLife sets the forest to get a mosquito, so I'm using the following code in my mood script.
case $location[spooky forest]:
// Unlock Hidden Temple
if(hidden_temple_unlocked()) return;
if(item_amount($item[mosquito larva] > 0 && item_amount($item[tree-holed coin]) < 1 && item_amount($item[spooky temple map]) < 1) {
friendlyset("choiceAdventure502","2","Get tree-holed coin.");
friendlyset("choiceAdventure505","2","Get tree-holed coin.");
} else if(item_amount($item[tree-holed coin]) > 0) {
friendlyset("choiceAdventure502","3","Get spooky temple map.");
friendlyset("choiceAdventure506","3","Get spooky temple map.");
friendlyset("choiceAdventure507","1","Get spooky temple map.");
} else if(item_amount($item[Spooky-Gro fertilizer]) < 1) {
friendlyset("choiceAdventure502","3","Get Spooky-Gro fertilizer.");
friendlyset("choiceAdventure506","2","Get Spooky-Gro fertilizer.");
} else if(item_amount($item[spooky sapling]) < 1) {
friendlyset("choiceAdventure502","1","Get spooky sapling.");
friendlyset("choiceAdventure503","3","Get spooky sapling.");
friendlyset("choiceAdventure504","3","Get spooky sapling.");
} else {
use(1, $item[spooky temple map]);
vprint("The Hidden Temple has been found!", "blue", 1);
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