> breakfast
Using 1 Manual of Labor...
You are too scared of Bs
I tried modifying KoLCharacter.addFamiliar() to skip familiars with a 'b' so that Mafia will simply thinks that you don't own any of those familiars.Suggestion: Would it be possibel to filter the familiar list in the equipment manager to not show familiars that contain b's while you are on a b-core run.
Revision 9344Another 'b' item that causes problems... the manual of laBor from the Wizard of Ego quest is used by 'breakfast' even though it fails...
I like this idea.Suggestion: Would it be possibel to filter the familiar list in the equipment manager to not show familiars that contain b's while you are on a b-core run. trying to figure ouyt which combat familiar to use for the NS was interesting when i kept having to look for the small and insignificant letter b![]()
I think the correct approach is to make a private familiar list for the Gear Changer which only has non-B familiars if you are in BeeCore.I tried modifying KoLCharacter.addFamiliar() to skip familiars with a 'b' so that Mafia will simply thinks that you don't own any of those familiars.
Another patch!
--- src/net/sourceforge/kolmafia/KoLmafia.java (revision 9338)
+++ src/net/sourceforge/kolmafia/KoLmafia.java (working copy)
--- KoLCharacter.java (revision 9341)
+++ KoLCharacter.java (working copy)
I like this. I don't see any reason for the Bee: counter to go down or up depending on whether you have Clownosity, and so on; I think it's fine to be at the bottom in the same position with a blank line above it (usually).This one is for the left pane of the GUI. When you are in Beecore, a "Bees: X" is added to the list of modifiers shown (ML/Enc/Init/...). X is the "Bee-osity" (the number of 'b's contained in the names of your currently equipped items, excluding the stickers).
I only learned how to use ToirtoiseSVN, and I must have created the patch by clicking on the \src\net\sourceforge\kolmafia\ folder instead of the root folder. Sorry about that.Patch won't apply for me, presumably because of relative paths.
I found it a little strange to have it on a line by itself, but I agree that my solution made the code a little confused.I don't see any reason for the Bee: counter to go down or up depending on whether you have Clownosity, and so on;
What is the failure message that KoL gives you when you unsuccessfully try to equip a scary familiar? We need to detect that and not actually change your familiar in our data model if you try it via the Relay Browser, CLI command, ASH function, etc. and it fails.
You are too afraid of the Bs to adventure with that familiar.
I just submitted an attempted fix. Revision 9355. Tell me if it works.![]()
Checking prerequisites...
Crossing three door puzzle...
Using 1 honeypot...
You acquire an effect: Float Like a Butterfly, Smell Like a Bee (duration: 100 Adventures)
Finished using 1 honeypot.
Unable to pass gates!