Bat Cave quests


This script will take care of your progress through the Boss Bat quest. It seems pretty good at taking care of whatever sort of run you're on: softcore or hardcore and with a large selection of skill sets.

In a nutshell, if you have three biscuits and can be buffed enough to have a good shot at killing the bat, then you'll use the biscuits and do the deed. If you are running under a mysticality sign, then the script will automatically set the MCD to get you the Boss Bat britches, since +5 moxie pants are the nicest things you'll see this side of stainless steel.

If you don't have three biscuits, then the script will adventure in Guano Junction until you're good to go. It checks to see if you have stench resistance on you right now, and if you don't it will see what it can do about casting Saucesphere on you. If that isn't going to work either, then it will set you to work in the entryway in search of the air freshener. (I think my next change to the script is that it should have you quest for the harem veil instead if you're strong enough, since that is a quest object. Maybe going for the bum cheek too if you're weaker, since that doesn't have a mysticality requirement to wear) The script here will also keep you up-to-date in Madrigal and hair spray so that you are always as safe as you can be. Maybe soon it will also tinker with the MCD while adventuring so that you are always getting the best XP you can.

The one thing that the script can't abide at the moment is you using the biscuits yourself. Unfortunately, in ASH/CLI we've got no way of knowing whether the way to the Boss Bat is clear, so if you used them yourself and then ran this script, I'm just going to gather three more for you. Also, you'll want to be wearing whatever stench protection item you want before you start diving into Guano Junction; the script will pay through your skill list but not your inventory. (If you win the air freshener, the script will equip it in the second slot, assuming that the first slot is where you have the shiny ring from the tavern quest.)


You could reduce the amount of biscuit (re)collected if you check for the two side cave adventures.

Yes, it would cost two adventures to do this... But it might reduce the amount adventures spent trying to collect biscuits.

Example: If you already used 3 biscuits, the script could check for the ratbat, and beanbat adventures to only go about collect 1 (unnecessary) biscuit before the fight.

It ain't pretty, but it might be more desirable than adventuring for 3 (unnecessary) biscuits.

And in the end, having an extra biscuit is never a bad idea. You never know if you will need one for the tower.

But that is just another line of thinking.

Another thought: You could make the MCD thing user-optional. A simple boolean function near the top for the user to set to false if they do not want the script adjusting the MCD. But that can easily be added in if the user wants... Just thinking out loud, since some people might be going for the trophy, or the balls.
The logic gets really ugly in a hurry. I don't even need to check the side rooms -- I could do something like this (in very sloppy pseudo-code):

boolean ready_to_fight_but_did_i_get_enough_biscuits()
adventure(1, boss bat chamber);
if (have a bandana) return true;
if (don't have a biscuit) return false;
use biscuit;
return who_cares_I_never_get_here;

Maybe. I wrote this logic once but then tore it out because getting a half dozen warnings in your script is not teh sexay if you know what I mean. At the same time, I sort of see the appeal for getting an enchanted bean immediately after getting the biscuits; maybe my script should even be doing that for you. The major problem is that it's hard to quite know if you've already done the quest without being able to read the quest log.

I'd hate to spend your adventures on a fourth biscuit if you didn't want it. A softcore adventurer who expected to be out of ronin before level 11 wouldn't want me doing that, and a speed ascender also might not want to waste adventures for something that is only needed half the time. I just don't know. Having a boolean flag there to cover the extra-curricular activities is a good idea -- I've got that for my Friars script and I guess the same reasoning applies here.

I'm less enthusiastic about putting in coding for the people who want the MCD set for something else. You're only going to acquire the Boss Boss trophy once, and those people aren't even going to bother writing a separate script for it -- they'll just do it by hand. If there's anyone out there who wants to use my script but likes the Glass Balls enough to want the drop, let me know. I'm still a newbie, but if I'm a mage I'd rather have the britches on my legs and a kickback cookbook in my off-hand.

Edited to add: I should have looked closer at this last point. It's the Goblin King who drops the Glass Balls. The other drop from the Boss Bat is the bling, which with +3 strength +3 moxie I deem to be unwantable. Again, let me know if you are a user who disagrees so I can figure out if I need to retool the script.
u could always implement something at the top of the script that will allow the user to buy the biscuits instead of adventuring for them provided their not in ronin or hardcore as the biscuits dont cost too much of course youll have to check and make sure they are lvl 5 or higher as well.
just a thaught :)
[quote author=Wolfie link=topic=168.msg841#msg841 date=1147963595]
u could always implement something at the top of the script that will allow the user to buy the biscuits instead of adventuring for them provided their not in ronin or hardcore as the biscuits dont cost too much of course youll have to check and make sure they are lvl 5 or higher as well.
just a thaught :)

That's a very good point. Until I permed Elemental Saucesphere, I usually did wait until I was out of ronin before doing this quest, but I used three biscuits that I had farmed from a previous run rather than buying them. But they are just about 100 meat each, so no one who has mall access should object to buying them instead of questing.
what about if you are not on a mysticality ascension? the script ends when i cant get to the mind control device.