basic leveling up script

I am very new to kol mafia, and this might be a dumb question, but what is a script to take a lv 1 disco thief and auto use all action to level up and meat farm (essentully auto level up to a high level, than farm with the new capability)?
The simplest version doesn't need a script at all, you'd just put on some helpful outfit and tell mafia to adventure in a zone of your choosing.

But efficient leveling does get highly complex, especially if you own many IotMs and other toys that can provide buffs or free fights or instant statbumps.
Have you considered for this? If you scroll down on that page to read about it, you'll see installation is as easy as typing
git checkout
at the GCLI (and hitting Enter or clicking Execute button). It can't do everything for everyone all the time, but it has certainly been useful for me.

Take time to read what's on that page. It specifies the best class (Sauceror) to use with the script, and a few skills that are important to have. That advice notwithstanding, I accidentally ascended to Seal Clubber, and it still worked really well for me. Just 7 days, and here I am having already freed the King.

So autoscend might be just what you need to level up. As for farming, though, that will take something else.
Have you considered for this? If you scroll down on that page to read about it, you'll see installation is as easy as typing
git checkout
at the GCLI (and hitting Enter or clicking Execute button). It can't do everything for everyone all the time, but it has certainly been useful for me.

Take time to read what's on that page. It specifies the best class (Sauceror) to use with the script, and a few skills that are important to have. That advice notwithstanding, I accidentally ascended to Seal Clubber, and it still worked really well for me. Just 7 days, and here I am having already freed the King.

So autoscend might be just what you need to level up. As for farming, though, that will take something else.
6 months later and six months after the OP last visited.

But in case someone does see this, Veracity's Meat Farming script is my preference for farming.