Barrel full of Barrels autodrinker


I'm wondering if it's possible to adventure in the Barrel full of Barrels (usually takes 6ish turns, though could be as low as 4 or as high as 12 if I was *really* unlucky with mimics), to grab the 2-4 normal drinks... and then drink them, automatically?

Is there some way for kolmafia to remember what the most recent items to come into the inventory?

As far as I know, I don't think ash has access to the "session results" window in mafia that lists all newly gained items in the current instance.
There's a choice adventure setting that controls what it will look for when autoadventuring in the Barrels.

The other part of your request doesn't really make sense - why would you only want to drink those drinks you just found, and not any others you might have picked up earlier?
Maybe he is in ronin/hardcore and has no booze in Hagnk's? There aren't that many places with booze drops, especially at low level.
A way for this to work is to have it memorize how many of each kind of booze you got before adventuring and compare with the amounts after adventuring.
That's a total of 28 checks.

It should work, unless someone sends you booze just as the script is running.