Away message & auto-bricking.


Us weirdos in Hardcore Nation like to brick our clannies when they ascend. But I keep noticing that people tend to do so while I'm afk, and I keep missing out.

To that end, I made this simple script. It chooses one of several messages and bricks anyone who posts the "Welcome Back" message in chat.

Of course, it could cause problems to run this script all of the time. So, I've set up a handy alias by typing:
alias away => set chatbotScript = brickBot.ash;
on the gCLI.

Now, I can just type "away" and this script will start running!

For further goodness, all I have to do to disable the script is to post something in clan, and it turns itself off! Yay!

Edit: fixed bug; line 53, "r" should be "res". Line 54, "ma" should be "m2". ugh.


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Between this script any my recent update to newLife we don't need to pay any attention to chat in order to have awesome social interaction. Yay for automation!

(I'm not an especially sarcastic individual, so I think I overloaded my sarcasm circuits with that comment.)

Edit: I just took a look at the script. That's really awesome! I appreciate the random touches.
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Oh yeah... that last message was added at the last minute, doh.

Edit to add:

I've actually made a few changes since I uploaded this... hmm, post what I have, reconcile, what...

For one, I'd like to add some tracking, so that a single person posting their welcome back message over and over won't hog your bricks. ;)

Second, my current version also has some additional private message functions; I should probably make these optional. I'll get there...
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IF anyone wants some extra bricks I have quite a few (well around 40) that I would be willing to give away. Stupid bricks...
Please! Same name in game; I'm actually called a "Brick Guardian" as my HCN mod title. For serious, I'll see that they're... distributed... well. ;)
Please! Same name in game; I'm actually called a "Brick Guardian" as my HCN mod title. For serious, I'll see that they're... distributed... well. ;)

I do believe that you have now received 32 bricks in total. Let me know if the small scriptlet I built form the script in this thread worked or not.
Did you know that the only way to transfer a Brick between two accounts is to throw it at someone? It is marked as a gift-item (so you can't sell it) but you can't send it as a gift to someone even if you want to...
Did you know that the only way to transfer a Brick between two accounts is to throw it at someone? It is marked as a gift-item (so you can't sell it) but you can't send it as a gift to someone even if you want to...

I figured this out yesterday (actually i just remembered) when i was trying to send all my bricks to my Arrowbot with no avail. Spent >20 min. trying to figure out what happened to my bricks.