Feature - Implemented Avatar of Jarlsberg chefstaves, tracking and info


As requested over in the big thread of new items thread for AoJ, asking for a feature to track number of Chefstave jiggles from Jarlsberg Chefstaves, and also preferably to add a little note in the Gear changer as to what the Staff Jiggles do, so that say, Standalone Cheese would look like so:
Spell Damage %: +50
Initiative : +30
MP Regen Min: +5
MP Regen Max: +6
Jiggle: Banish Monster
X/5 Jiggles left today

Jiggle: Prismatic Damage, Jiggle: Recover 10-15 HP, Jiggle: Cold Damage, Jiggle: +300% Item Drops, Jiggle: Olfact Monster, and Jiggle: Recover all HP

Though as I went through that list, I realized Hearty Dinner doesn't have its actual numbers it delevels by listed, and there don't appear to be ranges on the cold damage done by Light Lunch.

If you would prefer this spaded, I'll be jumping back to AoJ to do some spadework in a couple days, and I can report back with findings.
The only Jarsberg Staves with limited uses are:
  • Staff of the All-Steak
  • Staff of the Cream of the Cream
  • Staff of the Staff of Life
  • Staff of the Standalone Cheese

I'd recommend preferences with names like
  • _jiggleSteak
  • _jiggleCream
  • _jiggleBread
  • _jiggleCheese

And just for the record, the Cream staff doesn't olfact. It's power of attune monsters is less powerful than that so it shouldn't be called olfact.
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Well yes, only the 5 "high" staves have limited uses, but knowing the uses of all the staves in the Gear Manager would be nice.

Also, why not _jiggleLife instead of _jiggleBread? Just to keep things conforming.
Bale, your info is outdated (they JUST pushed a change). For the record, out of 130 billiards fights (after cream-jiggling the chalkdust wraith, and throwing out my semirare fight), 111 fights were said wraith.
What would be needed, html-matching wise, to set the preferences correctly? I'd be willing to do some jiggling for the cause if it'd help with adding tracking :)
I need a couple of information to finish support for the Staff of Cream:

- what is the jiggle message when the staff is out of charges?
- what is the HTML of the item description when you have a monster olfacted?
I went ahead and committed the tracking in r11986. I'll leave this open though, since I'm still waiting for the Staff of Cream info.
I need a couple of information to finish support for the Staff of Cream:

- what is the jiggle message when the staff is out of charges?
- what is the HTML of the item description when you have a monster olfacted?

I didn't realize I needed to add tracking for the monster banished with the Cheese Staff. I also need he HTML of the Cheese Staff description with several banished monsters.
Code for when you banish a monster:
<td valign="center">You jigle your staff, and a whirling wheel of cheese appears before you.  It bursts open, revealing the stench of untold aeons.  It first turns gray, then turns green, then turns tail and runs.  You won't see it again for a while, that's for sure.</td>

HTML with two monsters banished:
<b>Staff of the Standalone Cheese</b></center><p></p><blockquote>Wizards stand alone in this world, and their staves must reflect this fact.
</p><p>The following monsters are currently banished:<br>  toilet papergeist<br>  claw-foot bathtub<br>  
<br><br>Type: <b>weapon (1-handed chefstaff)</b>

I'll get back to you on what it says when out of charges.