What is it?
Simple script that groups Autumn-aton destinations after difficulty and indoor/outdoor/underground. It also adds a short reminder wahat the different upgrades found in these destinations do, and what the default reward is. Destinaton groups that have upgrades not yet installed are marked with an asterisk (*).
Also moved the send button to the right side of the screen, because I think it makes for a better workflow.
I found myself often referring to the Wiki to see what upgrades I was missing, and/or where to find them. This makes it easier to decide where to send your Autumn-aton next.

Simple script that groups Autumn-aton destinations after difficulty and indoor/outdoor/underground. It also adds a short reminder wahat the different upgrades found in these destinations do, and what the default reward is. Destinaton groups that have upgrades not yet installed are marked with an asterisk (*).
Also moved the send button to the right side of the screen, because I think it makes for a better workflow.
I found myself often referring to the Wiki to see what upgrades I was missing, and/or where to find them. This makes it easier to decide where to send your Autumn-aton next.
git checkout MattiasKro/AutumnUpgrades

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