Feature - Rejected Autoscrolling in chat optional


New member
I would very much like to have autoscroll optional in the chat - if it's been unattended for a bit (as for doing real work elsewhere *gasp*) and you want to read up, the chat autoscrolls down as soon as someone else posts, which is a bit annoying.


Apart from describing the current behavior as "annoying", I agree with the feature request. I don't have the slightest clue to whether it is simple or not to implement, though.


Active member
I just go to my $kolmafia/chats directory and open the right files with my browser. Doesn't scroll *and* has *all* the history!


Active member
It updates on CTRL+R.
tail -f will have exactly the same problem ... at least my terminal scrolls to end on any printed line. *And* you would have to read bare HTML.


Staff member
It's OK if anyone wants to overrule me on this one, but I'm going to reject it. First, since the time the request was made, the size of the scrollback buffer has been changed so the chances of losing something are small, at the cost of some mouse clicking. Second, anything that is lost can be found in the chat log file. Finally, the gCLI and Chat use the same underlying structure so I believe it will not be especially easy to do this for Chat but not for the GCLI, and I definitely don't want to see this implemented for the gCLI.