Automatic Fortune Teller response, SCCS script questions, and moods


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SCCS script questions, and moods


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Ok, if you want.

I asked if it is possible to automate the responses, but after a while when no one was answering I found this:

It works this way:

CLI_commands for setting up:
clanfortune defaults,1st contact,NAME1
clanfortune defaults,2nd contact,NAME2
clanfortune defaults,3rd contact,NAME3

clanfortune defaults,1st response,pepper
clanfortune defaults,2nd response,robin
clanfortune defaults,3rd response,thin

clanfortune defaults,1st answer,apple
clanfortune defaults,2nd answer,batman
clanfortune defaults,3rd answer,up

clanfortune print defaults

Now Name1/2/3 will get the requests with apple/batman/up and you will always anser with pepper/robin/thin.
print defaults checks your settings.

clanfortune quicksend
sends default answers to each default contacts in order

clanfortune respond all
responds to all waiting requests with default answers

I wrote an ".ash script" (if it even deserves this name) which can be put as login-routine:
void main() {
cli_execute(" clanfortune quicksend");
cli_execute(" clanfortune respond all");

The second part of my question was for a full automatic 2-day-SCCS-script and I couldn't figure out how some things worked. But with the help of some keyboardwizard in my clan it should be ok now.
Couldn't test and optimize it yet, but maybe next week.

Part three was about moods, I can't figure out how to get them to do what I want. Normally I adventure manually, only switching between CCS and manual control depending on the area.
I do a lot of buff and equipment-juggling (+combat, -combat, +item, etc.), so I rarely use the autoadventure function.
With manual adventuring, the moods never activate themselves, so I just use chatmacros like the last year.
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Timbatim, what was your fortune teller issue? I came here looking to see if it had been discussed yet, but, when I try the new CLI commands all I get is "invalid buff name", or, a "successful" response with a clanmate that doesn't actually do anything. Mafia fills in the answers in the appropriate fields in the browser, but, that's it? I guess?
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Timbatim, what was your fortune teller issue? I came here looking to see if it had been discussed yet, but, when I try the new CLI commands all I get is "invalid buff name", or, a "successful" response with a clanmate that doesn't actually do anything. Mafia fills in the answers in the appropriate fields in the browser, but, that's it? I guess?

The command does no error checking for the result, and does nothing to verify that the target is actually in the same clan as you. What did you actually try? I tried to make the help text self-explanatory, but I have no idea what people will actually try.

Nothing Timbatim deleted would be even a little bit relevant for what you wanted.
For the buff I did "fortune buff A Girl Named Sue", "fortune buff a girl named sue", "fortune buff Consult Susie". It's possible I tried more variations, but for each one all I got was the "invalid buff name" response. For the clan member I did "fortune name burger batman thick". For the clan member attempts, I got the normal positive output in the CLI, but when I went to the lounge, nothing had actually been done except the fields were filled in.
Dunno about the second, but looking at the syntax from 'help fortune': for the first, you want 'fortune buff familiar'.
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For the buff I did "fortune buff A Girl Named Sue", "fortune buff a girl named sue", "fortune buff Consult Susie". It's possible I tried more variations, but for each one all I got was the "invalid buff name" response. For the clan member I did "fortune name burger batman thick". For the clan member attempts, I got the normal positive output in the CLI, but when I went to the lounge, nothing had actually been done except the fields were filled in.

> help fortune

fortune - buff mus|mys|mox|familiar|meat|item [word1 word2 word3] | playername [word1 word2 word3] - get a buff or an item, using preference-defined words if none are specified
That list has everything the command will accept for the buff. I guess I could make it match effect names too, but I assumed no one would actually know the effect names soon enough anyway.

The second one must have worked, otherwise KoL wouldn't have those words pre-filled. (They are pre-filled because you already sent a request with those words in the current session.) Is the person actually in your clan? Are they around to respond? Does KoL report that your remaining clanmate consultation count has gone down?

For what it's worth, I have been using this command for over a week, so I know it works.
Hmm, what's up with that '-' in the help line, it makes it confusing to read.

Trying to test it just now revealed a somewhat confusing bug: if you try to use it in a clan without a fortune teller, it will fail (as expected), but in a way that makes mafia think that you are out of uses. Which means it will also set the preferences as such, and thus, I couldn't retry until I manually set _clanFortuneBuffUsed to false.
Hmm, what's up with that '-' in the help line, it makes it confusing to read.
A convention from before I was involved.

Trying to test it just now revealed a somewhat confusing bug: if you try to use it in a clan without a fortune teller, it will fail (as expected), but in a way that makes mafia think that you are out of uses. Which means it will also set the preferences as such, and thus, I couldn't retry until I manually set _clanFortuneBuffUsed to false.

Yeah, there's no error checking currently.
Are they around to respond?

Could you elaborate on why you ask that? My manual process is to respond to any requested consults and then request a consult each day from each of the three other active members in the clan. Because one is a testing multi they deliberately have not visited the Altar of Literacy. And they are rarely logged on when I am so there is no expectation of a near immediate response. Does the command require chat to work?

Oh man, I am so sorry. In my defense, I'm fighting a beast of a cold and my brains are a bit mushy right now. I did not even *think* to try help, or simply "familiar". Yes, they are in my clan, no they're not around, still had all 3 fortunes left. Unless this is also related to my current mush-brain, and I had two left, regardless, I did try all 3 in the CLI first before going to the browser to check. If one did work, why didn't the other two?
Could you elaborate on why you ask that?

I found snooty's statement of "doesn't actually do anything" to not be clear enough (and false, if they expected to see a kmail right away), so I was forced to make some assumptions and asked questions based on that.
Did you try all 3 with the same person? KoL won't let you do that if they haven't responded.

I'm sick, not stupid ;)
Three different names, spelled correctly. And no, I wasn't waiting on an immediate response, my fortune partners are hardly ever online when I am, stupid time zones. Sorry I wasn't more clear.
Familiar buff went off without a hitch today, of course. Still have issues with clanmates though. This time two out of three were successful, even though the output was success for all three names. Nothing tricky about the name, all lowercase, wasn't waiting on a response from a previous day (went through just fine in the browser).