Automated Going Postal

Looks from your log as if Friars' Gate needs changes as well... Supposed to be Friar's Gate, not Friars' Gate.

Additional bit: CanAdv includes ZLib, so no need to manually import both...
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If anyone else was having trouble with this, try this map. Place it in the data folder of your KoLmafia directory.

I dislike the way this script does things, but I'm also very lazy and will probably only do this quest once...


I know im necroing this thread, but I'd like to use this script and it won't let me because "You did not ascend under a moxie sign". I have the quest in my quest log, and have access to the gnomish camp. Going to try editing out the check part of the script

Edit to mention editing out

if (!in_moxie_sign())
abort("You didn't ascend under a moxie sign: you won't be able to complete the quest during this ascension");

worked for me :)
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Just like with all the scripts that used moon signs, in_moxie_sign should change to gnomads_available.