Automated choice adv-changing/buffing


I was just playing in the Advent Calendar, and I was thinking about writing a goal-changing/buffing script. Then I realized I didn't know where to put it. So I came here and immediately got overwhelmed by the amount of tools people have come up with.

So here's my idea: I want a light-weight script that I can switch choice adv/buffs into in order to prioritize ... some kind of goal. An example would be better.

Say I want to maximize my fudgecule drops.
There are 3 buffs that increase drops. I want to track the buffs and change my choice adventure selection depending on the turns of each buff I have remaining.

So when my turns of Fudgehound get low, I set my choice adv to superheated fudge, and when one drops, it automatically crafts a fluid of fudge-finding and uses it.

I would need to be able to prioritize the buffs, and list a turn count that would trigger a choice adv change.

I also want this to be reusable and extensible, not hardcoded to content, because I always wish I had this feature when new content comes out. I am ok with it being dependent on Mafia's selection of choice adventures. You guys are always very responsive to those changes, so I may miss a day or so, but that day I'm usually playing the new content manually.

Anyway, my question starts with, what kind of script should this be? A mood? A between-battle script? A ccs consult? Too. Many. Options.

Minion, move to Scripting Discussion maybe?

razorboy, are you wanting this to be usable during relay adventuring or is this through automated adventuring only? If it's through automated, a BB script is great. If it's supposed to work while relay adventuring (if you have the preferences set), use moods. Skip CCS, because you might get 2 choiceadventures in a row and your decision may have changed; also, it's not actually a combat thing, so CCS isn't a good place for it in the first place (besides it not working as you want).

Basically, automated, use BB or moods. Manual, use moods and remember to turn on the preference to run moods while manually adventuring.
Sounds good. Between Battle is really the easiest way to go if you're running automated, since it will fire before (I believe... maybe it's counter checkers that fire before?) every round and you can tell it to do whatever. And zarqon's BBB script even does choiceadv handling, so it's a great place to start from. :)