AutoClub -- automatically hunt items by clubbing infernal seals


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[size=+1]AutoClub 1.3[/size]

NOTE: This script hasn't been updated since 2010 and is obsolete. It has since been replaced by G.R.O.S.S. (Get Rid Of Slimy sealS), which is included with BatMan RE.

What isn't it?
An organization for people who like cars.

What is it?
AutoClub is an AUTOMATIC SEAL-CLUBBING tool! Just specify the item you want to go clubbing for (i.e. "tainted seal's blood" or "infernal toilet brush") and AutoClub will acquire the necessary candles/figurine, then club the bujeezi out of the necessary seal to get your item. You can also type "depleted uranium figurine" to fight your uranium figurine.

The Nitty-Gritty

  • AutoClub will only attempt to fight the necessary seal once -- if it fails to get the specified item it will not try again.
  • Be aware that AutoClub will adventure (and spend meat) if necessary to get the required figurines and candles.
  • AutoClub may use up to two of your daily summonses (since you may need to get an imbued candle in order to summon a Greater Seal).
  • Forgot the name of the item you want? You can see a list of possible items if you enter nothing (or an impossible item).
  • Like all of my adventuring scripts, AutoClub pays attention to your is_100_run and threshold settings.

How to use it:

  • Download autoclub.ash to your scripts directory and seals.txt to your data directory.
  • You will also need both CanAdv and ZLib, so grab those if you haven't yet.
  • Run the script from the CLI (e.g. "autoclub severed flipper"), or directly from the scripts menu (a box will pop up asking you to type in the desired item).
  • Infernal Clubbing = Eternal Joy!

11.15.09 - ver. 1.0 posted.
11.29.09 - ver. 1.1 changes: fixed some issues with return values to prevent unwanted script aborting. More info when listing possible items.
12.30.09 - ver. 1.2 changes: turns out the return value of hermit() is also unreliable; fix that. Use ZLib's new vprint().
3.31.10 - ver. 1.3 changes: include Nemesis stuff: you can now fight depleted seal figurines, and the Epic Accessory grants 5 additional summonses. You will also need to re-download the data file.


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Tried it today and it didn't work; but it was a slightly older version, so I'll try this newer version tomorrow. As a side note, does it work more like an "acquire" command where if you already have 5 figurine of a stinking seal, then it won't get any?
I'm pretty sure it did work -- it did stuff and there was output of some kind in the CLI. Perhaps you mean that it didn't work as you'd like it to.

For future reference, saying that a script "didn't work" is a good way to irk its author; that vague phrase indicates broken-ness without providing any useful information for fixing it. If a script doesn't work as you'd like it to, describe what it actually did instead -- 99% of the time, stuff actually happens, and your description of what did and/or didn't happen will help the script author fix the problem you encountered.

Re: your side note. Yep, it should do exactly that, although in a few cases it may slightly overbuy the tiny little candles.

Hope the newer version works the way you'd like it to. :)
You're right, I should have mentioned that the script did run, because it did prompt me for a value, so I know for a fact that it ran. Was my entered value (figurine of a stinking seal) incorrect maybe? Here is what happened: It ran through the first part of my code getting items and using them and drinking and using most of my turns, then it ran the script and asked me for an input value. I put (without quotes) "figurine of a stinking seal" and clicked OK. It then immediately went to overdrinking, putting on my rollover outfit and logged off of KoL Mafia (which is what I have my code do). It did not mention anything about buying candles, or getting worthless items, or using the ancient seals and it didn't use any adventures either, and didn't mention anything about combining items to make the stinking seal figurines.

Sorry that I'm not much help, tomorrow I'll try and run it at the beginning of my code so that it won't log me out right away, that way I can see if I've acquired any figurines or not. After Mafia logs out then you can no longer look and see if you actually got the figurines (I already had quite a few in inventory so that wasn't any help). Anyway, hope this helps. I'll let you know what happens. Thanks again for the script, great idea.
Just specify the item you want to go clubbing for (i.e. "tainted seal's blood" or "infernal toilet brush") and AutoClub will acquire the necessary candles/figurine, then club the bujeezi out of the necessary seal to get your item.

In your case, you should enter "fustulent seal grulch".
Yep, I see how it works now. I was able to get to the CLI before it logged off this time, and it didn't have the option to get the figurine of a stinking seal, so I guess I could choose powdered sealbone, or fustulent seal grulch; but I'm trying to build up a supply of stinking seal figurines and then get the grulch. So I'll use it that way, get the powdered sealbone first and then run some code to create the imbued candles and then some other code to get the figurines.
It will automatically farm the figurine you need if you don't have one yet, so in practice it would be basically the same as doing it in batches. You could even do something like this from the CLI:

ash import <autoclub.ash> while (to_int(get_property("_sealsSummoned")) < summons) hunt_seal($item[fustulent seal grulch]);

That will use all of your available summons to farm grulches!

Thanks Z!

Very helpful tool for SC clubbin'.

I am trying to collect / make one of all of the infernal parts available, while I work on the trophy and this certainly helps a lot.
So with the sewer changes would it be worth it to add to this script the ability to gum for trinkets itself for those imbued candles?
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Heck yes! It's finally worth summoning hermetic seals. This completely changes the value of clubbing seals!
I feel like it's rather likely that mafia's hermit() command will take care of using chewing gum automatically, since it no longer costs turns. Or, at least "acquire X worthless item" will be altered to use gum. I'm waiting to see what happens before updating too many of my hermit()-using scripts.