auto smile script.

I hold a GMA, and would like to script the use of it. This seems like an easy task, but I want to cast the buff 5 times on one player one day, then another the next, then another....when it gets through the list start over. Thing that makes it difficult, is I want to make this a part of a login script, so the script may get ran more than 1 time in a day, but on the second time ran, it will fail to cast the buff because I can only smile 5 times a day. Any suggestions for this one?
today_to_string() is your friend! YYYYMMDD format (Yeah no "/" or anything just all numbers). Assuming your in a time zone that in terms of "relative to KoL rollover" isnt too different. Since it works on local computer time... (Being in +12 gmt I find that rollover is around 4pm... yeah, so my KoL time is spread over two days which semi-breaks using today_to_string)

If not then a longer work around can be done! (More reliable I guess aswell but it requires server hittage)
Mini-moon parsing (Or clan calendar) or various other In-KoL things >> (Before the whole visit_url, I was using the bounty hunter hunters items and if any change then new day, but with visit_url theres 'better' ways.)

Or if server hitting isn't an option then we have,
... someone help me here, the only one I can think of is that today_to_string method (assuming visit_url isn't being used on external URL's) and I've already outlined the major flaw in using that method.
The database of players is easy as can be.
The problem I'm having is stopping the script from updating the list on an unsuccessful cast when I have already used my smiles for the day. Duh boolean return?

I just looked over the wiki, and I don't see a method of buffing another player listed, yet I thought there was such a method. If there is no such method, then it looks like it may require the use of visit_url, and reading the response to determine if the buff was successfull. If there is such a method, could someone post the name and format...and wether or not it has a boolean result indicating the successfull buff?

The series would be simple:
Day 1 buff Holatuwol
Day 2 Veracity
Day 3 Gotta find Alexander Daychilde's in game name I think it's Daychilde
Day 4 ePeterso2
and I know I'm forgetting a few others at the moment, but they would be added as soon as I remembered.

Once the script is completed, I would merge it with my mushroom fields script which will run at login.
Don't think there is an ASH command to buff another player - so it's back to the CLI "cast smile on "+player command instead
[quote author=holatuwol link=topic=512.msg2496#msg2496 date=1160480676]
use_skill( int count, skill your_skill, string your_target ): Added

That will certainly make things easier, I presume it will have a boolean return?
[quote author=efilnikufecin link=topic=512.msg2497#msg2497 date=1160484698]
That will certainly make things easier, I presume it will have a boolean return?

*cough*  Yes.

BOOLEAN use_skill( int count, skill your_skill, string your_target ): Added
I wish I could just remember to spam others with my love in the form of smiles on my own. When I got that GMA, it cost me 32,000,000 meat for the 5 mr. As. I was smiling on people like crazy then, but over time my new toy slowly grew old, and I started forgetting. Now I almost never remember to use it.