Bug - Fixed Auto-create failing with r19351

Compare with 19348:
Round 1: garbage tourist takes 5873 damage.
Round 1: Pokey dribbles some juice into your ear, healing you somewhat. I know that doesn't make any sense but give me a freaking break, it is the ghost of a pickle.
Round 1: You gain 8 hit points
Round 1: garbage tourist takes 46 damage.
Round 1: wins the fight!
After Battle: You gain 65 hit points
After Battle: You gain 70 Mana Points
After Battle: You gain 12 hit points
After Battle: You gain 7 Mana Points
After Battle: Pokey surveys the scene from your back and sighs.
After Battle: Captain Hubert rubs his hands together gleefully, thinking about all the Meat he's gonna carve off your foe. (+30% Meat Drops)
After Battle: Hubert polishes a glass while winking at you.
You gain 4600 Meat
After Battle: Hubert does an elaborate bottle-juggling routine.
You acquire an item: bag of park garbage
You acquire an item: bag of park garbage
You acquire an item: bag of park garbage
After Battle: Hubert teaches you some old bouncer tricks that might come in handy in PvP.
After Battle: You gain 1 PvP Fight
After Battle: You gain 12 Strengthliness
After Battle: You gain 19 Enchantedness
After Battle: You gain 12 Cheek

Missing: various post-combat familiar actions (other than the mumming trunk one), +1 PvP fight, main meat drop, primary item drops.
Present: VYKEA furniture line.
Sending that file through the old version and the new version with "test fight" with debugging on, I see just a handful of differences in how HTML cleaner cleaned things. In particular, the old version stuck in a could of "<p>" tags which the new one did not.

I have not compared to the raw source, yet.

Won't have time until tomorrow.

Here is an example:

old parse tree:

              <td align="center" valign="center">
                <img src="https://s3.amazonaws.com/images.kingdomofloathing.com/itemimages/familiar19.gif" width="30" height="30">
              <td valign="center">
                Pokey dribbles some juice into your ear, healing you somewhat. I know that doesn't make any sense but give me a freaking break, it is the
new parse tree

            <td align="center" valign="center">
              <img src="https://s3.amazonaws.com/images.kingdomofloathing.com/itemimages/familiar19.gif" width="30" height="30">
            <td valign="center">
              Pokey dribbles some juice into your ear, healing you somewhat. I know that doesn't make any sense but give me a freaking break, it is the
Here is the difference between how the old and new HTMLCleaner handle "p" tags.

<p> tags do not need a </p> tag to close them. The close tag is implied when the HTML parser encounters the next "block level" tag. According to w3schools, the following are "block level" tags in HTML5:

The old HTMLCleaner treated <center> as a "block level" element and thus automatically closed a <p>. Perhaps that was correct pre-HTML 5.
The new HTMLCleaner nests <center> within <p>, which is correct for HTML 5.

The issue from your file is that a <p> node with a VYKEA companion messages was followed by a <center> with additional actions, which we ignored.

Revision 19363 fixes that.

There may be other instances of this; there are a lot of things which, if encountered in a <p>, will return after handling them.

			if ( FightRequest.handleEldritchHorror( node, status ) )

			if ( FightRequest.handleKisses( node, status ) )

			if ( FightRequest.handleCrimboPresent( node, status ) )

			if ( FightRequest.handleChakra( node, status ) )

			String str = FightRequest.getContentNodeText( node );

			// Camera flashes
			// A monster caught on the film
			// Back to yearbook club.

			if ( FightRequest.haiku && str.contains( "Back to yearbook club" ) )
				FightRequest.handleYearbookCamera( status );

			if ( FightRequest.handleFuzzyDice( str, status ) )

			if ( FightRequest.processFumble( str, status ) )

			if ( FightRequest.handleEvilometer( str, status ) )
			if ( FightRequest.handleKeyotron( str, status ) )
			if ( FightRequest.handleSeahorse( str, status ) )
			if ( FightRequest.handleMayoWasp( str, status ) )

			if ( FightRequest.handleSpelunky( str, status ) )

			if ( FightRequest.handleFamiliarInteraction( str, status ) )

			FightRequest.handleVillainLairRadio( node, status );

			boolean VYKEAaction = status.VYKEACompanion != null && str.contains( status.VYKEACompanion );
			if ( VYKEAaction && status.logFamiliar )
				// VYKEA companion action
				FightRequest.logText( str, status );

			boolean ghostAction = status.ghost != null && str.contains( status.ghost );
			if ( ghostAction && status.logFamiliar )
				// Pastamancer ghost action
				FightRequest.logText( str, status );

			int damage = FightRequest.parseNormalDamage( str );
			if ( damage != 0 )
				FightRequest.logMonsterAttribute( status, damage, HEALTH );
				MonsterStatusTracker.damageMonster( damage );
				FightRequest.processComments( node, status );
Every one of those "return" statements will ignore subsequent child nodes within the <p> node.

Notice the Evilometer, which I fixed earlier, because the Evilometer text is within its own <p> node within a <center> within a <p> (which had no text of its own) and we now process the text in the nested <p> nodes individually.

The issue will still occur if one of the above "return" cases has the text it is looking for at top level within a <p> node with additional children. That was the case for VYKEA companions, but not the Evilometer.

If there are additional issues, get a DEBUG log, and it should be easy enough to fix, now that we understand the issue...