Feature - Rejected Auto-adventure count doesn't need to autoadjust on adventures left

(I guess this is a feature request, and not a bug report? Not sure, though.)

Since auto-adventuring aborts anyway if you run out of adventures, there's really no need to pre-adjust the "adventure this many times" box, like ever.

Okay, it was deliberately added in, so I assume someone wanted it, but it has never been anything but aggravating to me, so, maybe, a checkbox somewhere to disable it?


It certainly isn't a bug report; the program is behaving as expected

If you could elaborate on how this feature would actually provide a benefit, it may be considered. However, listing no technical reasons for why one method of behavior would be superior to another, and describing how the program works as "aggravating," is not likely to result in a change.

Edit: Marked "Rejected" so as to hopefully avoid putting the devs in a sour mood.
People who want to spend less than all of their adventures use it, I think.

I think there is a misunderstanding here. The thing that is aggravating me isn't that a box exists. I get why you would want to tell Mafia to spend 10 adventures even if you have 100.

I don't get why the box fills itself with your adventure count when you put in a bunch of nines as shorthand for "yes I do want to spend all my adventures", only to be spending less than all of your adventures when you realize that "oops forgot to eat drink and spleen".

And looking back I realize that somehow I left out the word "automatically", which would have been a lot clearer.


Staff member
Say you have 77 adventures. You enter 9999 in the auto-adventure box. That number changes to 77 before auto-adventuring starts. You find that aggravating and were requesting that mafia not do that. Right?

I think we need a better reason to make the change ;-)

I don't get why the box fills itself with your adventure count when you put in a bunch of nines as shorthand for "yes I do want to spend all my adventures", only to be spending less than all of your adventures when you realize that "oops forgot to eat drink and spleen".

The quote above makes absolutely no sense to me. There is no deliberately implemented shorthand for "spend all possible adventures" and the shorthand for "spend all currently available adventures" knows nothing about whether you have eaten or not.

You might step back and ask why you are aggravated. I suspect that is related to the way you think about and use mafia. I have a hunch that you are trying to do things that many other people have done and you might be interested in some scripting pointers and advice.


Active member
I had a period where I used to use the adventure tab as my main automated non-script adventuring method... then I got annoyed at how that didn't pause the queue when I went to gCLI commands in the middle of an adventure set, and moved on to using the gCLI tab for automated non-script as well as scripted... well, when non-relay.

You may want to get used to trying "adventure * <location>" on the gCLI tab instead... it's only one character (*) instead of 3+ (999, etc) and it always works for your current max adventures.


Instead of hitting 999, how hard would it be to get in the habit of hitting zero or one, followed by the down key?