New Content august scepter


Staff member
Base items / effects are in, we still need:
  • implement the fixodent shop (and make fixodent have a "fix" quicklink instead of "use")
  • preference for skills cast (5 / day, plus post-ronin you can cast the "today" skill once, except that it's Arizona time so if you get in close enough to rollover you can cast two "today" skills)
  • food / booze stats
  • thriftshop coupon
  • waffle is like macrometeorite
  • tooth golem drop rates
  • do we need to mark Roar like a Lion / Hold Hands as available if you have the other effects?
  • Roller Coaster drops one fullness (already tracked)
  • Offhand item doubling
  • serendipity node message logging
  • aware of bees counter
  • hold hands is probably a sniff?
  • roar like a lion needs banish support. It lasts until rollover / next cast.
  • today cast doesn't take one of the 5 casts as of 7/8
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Just testing a few things with the skeleton you've already put in-

For the skills when trying to cast them I seem to get:
Could not find a known, usable skill of yours uniquely matching "1 Aug. 24th: Waffle Day!"
Similar for the other skills, it has a "1" in front

I think waffles are not yet recognized as a combat item, the ccs seems to turn "item waffle" into "attack with weapon"

Roller coaster already seems to be recording the fullness normally (though maybe that's just mafia autocorrecting after casting it?)
Could we get a property that counts the number of times the August skills have been used (or vice versa, the number remaining)? Also a boolean that tells whether or not today's skill has been used?
Could we get a property that counts the number of times the August skills have been used (or vice versa, the number remaining)? Also a boolean that tells whether or not today's skill has been used?


Base items / effects are in, we still need:
  • preference for skills cast (5 / day, plus post-ronin you can cast the "today" skill once, except that it's Arizona time so if you get in close enough to rollover you can cast two "today" skills)

Why don't you wait until this PR is approved and then let us know if those don't do what you are looking for/expect/need.
When casting skills from chat, they increment the property even if the casting fails:

> /cast off hand

Casting Aug. 13th: Left/Off Hander's Day!.

You acquire an effect: Offhand Remarkable (30)
Preference _augSkillsCast changed from 0 to 1
Preference _aug13Cast changed from false to true

> /cast off hand

Casting Aug. 13th: Left/Off Hander's Day!.

Preference _augSkillsCast changed from 1 to 2

> /cast off hand

Casting Aug. 13th: Left/Off Hander's Day!.

Preference _augSkillsCast changed from 2 to 3

The failure message is:

You can't use that skill again today.
Some tracking for water balloon tosses and whether the buff is ready to be picked up from the council would be cool to have.

The buff seems to be available after 111 tosses (indicated by the water balloon description text), using the water balloon in combat, and the enemy throwing it back both appear to count as 1 additional toss
Pocket Professor lectures fail to track Offhand Remarkable and Meteor Showered in combat macros.
My combat macro cast Meteor Shower so I would be at 19/20, but even though it initiated the chain fight, mafia still reports that my lecture count is 19/19 (rather than 20/19 with just Meteor Shower)
I believe @gausie may know how to deal with this, since he did the original fix for combat macro Lecture vs Meteor Shower?
modtrace doesn't currently track offhand remarkable doubling of unbreakable umbrella changeable bonuses (ie, the bonuses you only get by changing its form).

with no offhand equipped, talking spade says I currently have 475% item drop bonus, which mafias modtrace agrees with. adding Bucket Style Umbrella (+25% item bonus), talking spade says my item drop bonus is now 525%, whilst mafias modtrace says my item drop bonus is only 500%.
I have confirmed this does also apply to the +ML% bonus from umbrella - at +31 ML with broken UU equipped, talking spade says my ML is 47. Given 1.5 x 31 = 46.5, this feels like the +25% ML is being doubled

meanwhile, talking spade and modtrace agree on my initiative whether or not unbreakable umbrella is equipped (as it is a nonmutable bonus).
When casting Aug. 16th: Roller Coaster Day! with gCLI, the decreased fullness is correctly noticed. However, this doesn't cause the food consumption tab to update.
Skill tracking is off in-run.
cast 1 Aug. 24th: Waffle Day!
You acquire waffle (3)
Preference _augTodayCast changed from false to true
Preference _aug24Cast changed from false to true
Preference _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 47 to 48

cast 1 Aug. 30th: Beach Day!
You acquire an item: baywatch
Preference _augSkillsCast changed from 0 to 1
Preference _aug30Cast changed from false to true

familiar Mosquito (6 lbs)

cast 1 Aug. 28th: Race Your Mouse Day!
You acquire an item: tiny gold medal
Preference _augSkillsCast changed from 1 to 2
Preference _aug28Cast changed from false to true

_augSkillsCast should be incremented when the daily skill is cast when in-run as you only get 5 casts in run regardless of which skills you use.
I think the substat gain from casting skills like Spumoni Day, or Ride With The Wind Day isn't reflected in the session results. The gain shows up in the gCLI, though.
_augSkillsCast should be incremented when the daily skill is cast when in-run as you only get 5 casts in run regardless of which skills you use.
Just to confirm this: the way it used to work is that if you cast the "today" skill before casting 5 skills total, it didn't count against the 5 casts, but if you tried to cast it after you'd already cast 5 other skills, it couldn't be cast. Now the behaviour is that in-run, whether a skill is "today"'s doesn't matter at all?
Just to confirm this: the way it used to work is that if you cast the "today" skill before casting 5 skills total, it didn't count against the 5 casts, but if you tried to cast it after you'd already cast 5 other skills, it couldn't be cast. Now the behaviour is that in-run, whether a skill is "today"'s doesn't matter at all?
TODAY was never free in-run. A week ago I bug reported the "trying to cast a TODAY at 5/5 casts" thing and CDM said he adjusted it. You can cast it after 5/5 now.