Bug - Fixed Attunement with encountersUntilDMTChoice and guzzlrDeliveryProgress

* KoLmafia revision: r20690 (nice)

I run eldritch attunement throughout my aftercore turn 0 these days, and have noticed two properties that are not counted properly at the end of tentacle combats.

I'm not entirely sure that encountersUntilDMTChoice is thrown off by attunement specifically, but my encountersUntilDMTChoice is consistently incorrect in its prediction of when the choice adventure should appear. Each day, I spend 6 combats in the DMT, each with a machine elf, 3 of which are tentacles. The property is not incremented on tentacles in my logs, although I'm not sure if it actually should be. My most recent choice was encountered when encountersUntilDMTChoice was 24, so that suggests that every tentacle should be incrementing the counter.

I am certain that guzzlrDeliveryProgress is not being correctly tracked. At the end of a tentacle fight, you do indeed get guzzlr messages, and pouring over my logs, my first or second guzzlr delivery of the day consistently looks something like this:

Preference guzzlrDeliveryProgress changed from 81 to 90 Preference guzzlrGoldDeliveries changed from 22 to 23 Preference _guzzlrDeliveries changed from 1 to 2 Preference guzzlrQuestBooze changed from bilge wine to Preference guzzlrQuestClient changed from Nice Jack Sepia to Preference guzzlrQuestLocation changed from The Castle in the Clouds in the Sky (Top Floor) to Preference guzzlrQuestTier changed from gold to Preference guzzlrDeliveryProgress changed from 90 to 0

In this particular log, I encountered two tentacles, which would account for 18 missing guzzlr delivery progress--enough to go from 90 to 100. At no point do I wear the shoes or anything else that changes the rate of guzzlr progress.

Profchains do appropriately increment your guzzlr progress.

I know attunement is incredibly weird, so if there's more precise information I can provide (either from my current logs or through some light spading), please let me know and I will do my best to supply it.


Staff member
These are both fixes in r20692