New Content - Implemented Astral equipment and consumables


I think it's all been pretty much been found by now

5028. astral bludgeon 864672857
5029. astral shield 265415871
5030. astral chapeau 710747829
5031. astral bracer 875463310
5032. astral longbow 891521039
5033. astral shorts 860241983
5034. astral mace 205048183
5035. astral trousers 527521039
5036. astral ring 735732453
5037. astral statuette 970005793
5038. astral pistol 815988266
5039. astral mask 142248341
5040. astral pet sweater 648386354
5041. astral shirt 218949177
5042. astral belt 645097274
5043. astral hot dog (food, ??? quality, 3 fullness) 338874774
5044. astral pilsner (booze, ??? quality, 1 drunkeness) 762120339
5045. astral hot dog dinner 725022566
5046. astral six-pack 507110915

5139. carton of astral energy drinks 503957611
5140. astral energy drink (spleen, 8 spleeniness) 227596183
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It's nice if I can get the full tradeitems/itemdescs/equipment/modifiers info for new items.

I expect I'll be able to scrape that from Valhalla, once I get there, by and by. I expect that the form where you can pick equipment includes clickable item images tied to descids - and given item id and descid, I can generate override files with exactly what I need for those 4 files.

The level based consumption data is a new mechanism, as far as I know, so that's not going in any time soon - unless somebody has more time than I do to add expressions to fullness.txt and inebriety.txt and spleenhit.txt ...

I scrape the easy data soon and will submit the new items once I am able to do so.

In the mean time, KoLmafia should automatically detect if you have the item in inventory and let you use it by entering it in the various item tables, so this shouldn't be a critical issue...
The problem is actually with scripts like newLife where it references the new items, but since you don't both of the items possible, the script won't run...
If all you are going to do is give me item numbers and tell me to go to the Wiki to get the rest of the info, you can wait until it is convenient for me to do it my way.

I don't give a damn if it "would be convenient" for scripts were I to devote more (unavailable) free time to get the info manually.
Sorry... if I was aware of what you needed, I would have grabbed it ~60 minutes ago when I had someone ascend. :( If I'm the next ascender (doubtful, but eh) I'll try to post whatever you want/need.
I'll get it myself in a few days. I will figure out how to scrape what items are available in the two NPC Valhalla stores that have items, and will submit code that will automatically detect new items that are offered there - just like Mr. Store. I will also submit the item info for all (currently) available items.

You are just going to have to wait for that; giving me itemdescs, modifiers, etc. is simply not worth my time to copy out of submitted data file.

Which means that this Feature Request is completely useless - although I don't blame the OP for that at all, since there is no way he could know that what he told me was not useful.
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If all you are going to do is give me item numbers and tell me to go to the Wiki to get the rest of the info, you can wait until it is convenient for me to do it my way.

I don't give a damn if it "would be convenient" for scripts were I to devote more (unavailable) free time to get the info manually.

Actually, I didn't really mean it like that. Today was my last final and I didn't really have the time in the morning to decipher the tradedescs and figure out the formatting for that. (It's a bit arcane and racking your brain over high level math transforms is never going to be a good combination.)

You really shouldn't have any issues pulling the data from the Valhalla stores, they are pretty much like any of the other stores in game in setup and simply call descid() as a popup.
So I have some of these and since Mafia generates overrides I can at least post them:

Unknown item found: astral bracer (5031, 875463310)
5031 astral bracer accessory none 0
5031 875463310 ast_bracer.gif astral bracer
astral bracer 50 none
astral bracer Mysticality Percent: +25, Combat Mana Cost: -3, Adventures: +3

Unknown item found: handful of honey (5144, 159319161)
5144 handful of honey usable all 0
5144 159319161 honeyglob.gif handful of honey
# handful of honey

Unknown item found: astral hot dog (5043, 338874774)
5043 astral hot dog food none 0
5043 338874774 ast_hotdog.gif astral hot dog
# astral hot dog

Including a bonus bee item :)
Thanks for editing your post to include the item number. Given that, I was able to tell KoLmafia to look up all of the new astral items and generate override data, which I then inserted into the data files. Revision 9315.

I did not insert the consumption data for the astral hot dog, astral pilsner, and astral energy drink, so I'm not closing this yet. (Nice that none of those are B items. Well done!)
Out of curiosity, does mafia have a command to forceprint the new items, or does it just show up automatically? I mean, I can give you a few more of the new stuff (like the replacement blackbird for the level 11 quest)

Anyway this should be the end of the honey items forseeably.

81 Bits o' Honey honeycap, honey dipper, honey britches


honey dipper MUSE handful of honey (69)
honeybritches MUSE handful of honey (42)
honeycap MUSE handful of honey (37)

5148. honey dipper 300832347
5149. honeybritches 829259450
5150. honeycap 932105497
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What do you mean by "forceprint"?

Whenever KoLmafia detects a new item - in inventory, closet, storage - or you acquire one adventuring, it will print the data for you and also add it to the database. We have a way to force the database to dump override files, but not a way to make it re-print the previously unknown items.

I'm interested in the replacement blackbird, the components for it, the familiar number. Also the replacement pirate insult book.
I did not insert the consumption data for the astral hot dog, astral pilsner, and astral energy drink, so I'm not closing this yet. (Nice that none of those are B items. Well done!)

LoL! OH! that's why it is a pilsner instead of an astral beer! That was a close one!
Oh I just meant, if there's a command that if you give it a descid, mafia will automatically print out the needed information like it does if it fails to recognize a new item in your inventory.


5117. reconstituted crow 529331441
5118. bird brain 576544533
5119. busted wings 621350237
5120. Massive Manual of Marauder Mockery 151842381

The crow is made by meatpasting the brains and wings. It makes a Reconstituted Crow (familiar #147). No idea on the arena, and apparently it doesn't have a specific piece of familiar equipment.

edit: Probably also worth noting, but the replacement Big Book of Insults is tracked perfectly in mafia, since it doesn't actually change the jokes.
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Is there a way we can at least have the consumables show up in the relevant section of the Consumption Manager so they can be queued up, even if we don't have all the adv/stat stuff spaded yet (since it also seems they change with the user's level)?

Honey Pot (multiuse 3 handful of honey)
Item number: 5145
Description ID: 721302772

Grants 100 Turns of "Float like a Butterfly, smell like a bee"
(Prevents encounters with bees)
(Opens the Gate of Bees in the Lair)
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I'm marking this complete, since we have all the astral stuff in, now. The adventure and stat gains for the consumables are complicated, and I created a new thread to track that issue.