New Content - Implemented Astral consumables have level-based adv and stat gains


Staff member
This is new: consumables which grant variable adventure and stat gains depending on which level you use them at.

We could add expressions to inebriety.txt, fullness.txt, and spleenhit.txt, just as we have for modifiers.txt and monsters.txt.

Or we could recalculate the displayed gains based on current level as special cases for these three items, mch as we recalculate what we show depending on whether Ode or Milk is active.


Active member
Seeing as we now have at least 3 items with this mechanic it is probably safe to asume that it will come back again. As such would it be less hassle to add to the second list or to add expressions for the new items? I think that could be an indicator on which way to go.


Active member
Set as a range from never eaten one to top of the series... basically, unaware of special consumption rules.
quick question but am i missing something with the astral energy drinks? they don't show under my possible spleen consumables. i'm not aware of any setting or anything that would prevent it from showing.

Edit: i am using revision 9482 if it means helps and i definitely have 2 astral energy drinks available (and can consume via relay browser)
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Well.. I'm level 30 and the energy drinks show up in my spleen tab. Unfortunately they only show up as giving +6.0 adv, for a unit return of .75 adv/spleen. That's not correct.

I'll see if I can debug.

Edit: whoops, was working off an older version of the source. In the latest version, energy drinks are properly shown at +32 adv. Are you sure you don't have any of the +mus/+mys/+mox filters enabled? Those will filter out the energy drink, as they should.
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Staff member
Interesting. I will probably never have any, but I faked out the Item Manager by adding the following to the end of ConcoctionDatabase.setBasicItems():

		// Test
		ConcoctionDatabase.setBasicItem( availableIngredients, ItemPool.ASTRAL_PILSNER, 1 );
		ConcoctionDatabase.setBasicItem( availableIngredients, ItemPool.ASTRAL_HOT_DOG, 1 );
		ConcoctionDatabase.setBasicItem( availableIngredients, ItemPool.ASTRAL_ENERGY_DRINK, 1 );
This tells KoLmafia that I have 1 of each of those items in inventory. Having done so, when I look at the Item Manager at Level 13, I see:

astral hot dog (1 possible, 0 current)
3 full, +22.00 adv, +198.0 mus, +217.8 mys, +198.0 mox

astral pilsner (1 possible, 0 current)
1 drunk, +12.00 adv, +11.0 mus, +12.1 mys, +11.0 mox

astral energy drink (1 possible, 0 current)
8 spleen, +32.00 adv

I am in a Mysticality sign and have Ode to Booze active, so those are precisely the results I expect (given that we show averages for things that have ranges).

The method that sets the level-based consumption data is ItemDatabase.setAstralConsumables().

I look forward to your discoveries/debugging. :)


Yeah, I have too many copies of the source floating around my system. See above edit. Embarrassing.
i unchecked all the boxes that would limit the displayed list. The only items I see in there are the things I can buy (Hatorade/weeds) and the things I have (enchanted barbell, strongness elixir, etc) but no astral energy drinks. I have 2 of them and can see them in my General pane "astral energy drink (no-sell) (2)".

Is it possible they won't show up if they're listed as no-sell? is there a setting that I don't know about that mafia has to protect me from consuming no-sell items?

Edit: i just found the "prevent accidental destruction of memento items" preference and unchecked it, but it didn't fix the missing astral energy drinks issue.
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I don't know what to tell you, I can't reproduce that. I can't find a setting that will make the energy drinks not show up.


Staff member
Well, hate to say it, but I'll bet you anything that you did an "update data" command a while ago and have an obsolete spleenhit.txt. When you log in, does it say anything about using override files? Used to be, we cleared overrides every time you updated to a new minor revision, but I took that out because bordermstirs didn't like it - and now all sorts of people seem to be getting bitten by having obsolete override files which don't go away.

Type "update clear" and restart.

I am going to disable the "update data" command.

And, since we still DO clear override files on major revision changes, it's clear that it's time to spin a new release, soon.
I do get a message about using override files, but it's just this one: Using data override: data/tradeitems.txt
Interestingly enough it doesn't recognize the aviator's cap either, which I'm sure is accounted for in recent releases.

I've done an update clear and restarted mafia. I'm happy to say the energy drink is now showing and the cap is recognized. Thanks!