Ascension Planner?

Anne Noise

New member
Right now I keep a list of what skills I want to perm and what class / moon sign my next few ascensions are, but its just a sad little .txt file (and a Google Doc) right now. I wouldn't mind having the ability to set up the "future" in KoL, so when I ascend it gives me all the options but also says, "Hey man, you wanted to be Sauceror under a Moxie sign this run, after perming SAM." Nothing automated, like it doesn't need to guess what would be best next, just the ability to input (and possibly import/export) a list of ascension goals for each character.

Just a thought, haha.
This sounds like a great idea to me too. I have a list of my future ascensions lying around somewhere in my room, and it would be nice if I could put it to some use other than lying around and making me rack my brain trying to remember what it said.
I never plan more than 1 ascension in advance so I don't give a flying fricasseed ferret. :D
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Antagonistic? Ah... accidentally and aimlessly. Apologies all. Anomalous arbitrary ascension advancement amuses abundantly above adamant aims. Adjustability appears awesome.
Cunning comments can't compete, culling c's caters crappily. Con carne. Cacaphony?

C was a bad letter to pick, I actually just wanted to say I was glad people like the idea, haha.

(Actually, I'm kind of proud I got that much of a c-entence. HAW ZING.)
I usually plan my character builds in the quest notes. But unfortunately, that is not visible once you just through the gash. So I like the idea as well.
Whimsicality wobbles while withstanding witness. When weathering written words, wither went waggishly well warped wit.
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