I wanted an easy count of all the ascentions I have done, parsed by class. I am upto 185 now, and I have nearly all the skills, so I want to choose a class I may have been neglecting. I did this quick, and it could probably be more efficient, but it parses the html from ascensionhistory.php?who="+my_id() AND ascensionhistory.php?who="+my_id()+"&prens13=1
This is version 1.0, and it just spits on class and # of runs.
I might add HC vs. SC later... or paths... maybe. If someone else does it for me, that would be cool too.
Feel free to use it, modify it, steal it, whatever. If you are bcc and want to add this info to your snapshot maker, that would be dope.
Note that it lists two total numbers, one is a sum of all the runs counted, and one is my_ascensions() - these may be different if you suffered through white wednesday. If they are wrong for another reason (or if something else is wrong) let me know - I have only tested it with my main.
This is version 1.0, and it just spits on class and # of runs.
I might add HC vs. SC later... or paths... maybe. If someone else does it for me, that would be cool too.

Feel free to use it, modify it, steal it, whatever. If you are bcc and want to add this info to your snapshot maker, that would be dope.
Note that it lists two total numbers, one is a sum of all the runs counted, and one is my_ascensions() - these may be different if you suffered through white wednesday. If they are wrong for another reason (or if something else is wrong) let me know - I have only tested it with my main.
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