Ascend.ash: hands-off ascension script


New member
I sure wish I'd known that this script was no longer supported before I donated that Mr. A. Someone should edit the first post to reflect this.
dj_d used MacGuffin.ash to deal with the level 11 quest. I'm sure Zarqon will chase and squash any bug in it if that's where they come from, although I doubt MacGuffin.ash burns all your turns in the desert unhydrated after Ed dies (LevelUp.ash might be the culprit here).

I think the problem is that Ascend.ash doesn't support newer versions of Zarqon's script, which fix such bugs. In this thread dj_d himself has recommended running the updated version of Zarqon's script separately from ascend.ash, I think.

I sure wish I'd known that this script was no longer supported before I donated that Mr. A. Someone should edit the first post to reflect this.
You're not the only one, this has been a problem for months.
Last edited:


To be fair, unless the warning were in super-bolded multi-colour letters at the top of the post, people would still miss that it was outdated and donate. There's a reasonable warning already in the first post:

Last edited by dj_d; 11-06-2009 at 07:49 AM.

What editing the first post would do however, is make sure that those people who do donate, expecting a functional script, wouldn't think they have been swindled -- and for that reason alone it's worth doing.


It could also be put in the thread title.

True, but then all the people who arrive having been linked to the thread would miss it. Seriously; super-bolded multi-colour letters at the top of the post - only way to be certain :)

I really should stress that I do agree with a warning of some sort. I just wonder how many people it will stop donating. The careful ones will read the discussion anyways, so will already be warned of the script's state of play. Before I donated I read every page (of this and farm.ash's thread), and I imagine I'm not the only one. If you want to warn people of the script's situation and guarantee they understand the risks, the multi-colour, big font, etc way is the way to go.


New member
So I've got a problem, I donated my mr. a, got my password, and then like an idiot formatted my computer.....more importantly, forgot to drag the text file with the password to my backup. What can I do to fix this?


New member
do i PM him in game, or on these forums. The only reason I ask is because of the post just before mine complaining about his lack of attendance and support

ps, thanks for the quick reply


Why did dj_d abandon the script?

I still use an old version of mafia (13.9) to run the first 11 quests, and then I switch to the latest daily build to run wossname.ash. It's a little bit of a hassle to remember switching programs, because windows 7 will not let me pin the .jar file to my taskbar, but it works well enough.



Staff member
Why did dj_d abandon the script?
I don't think he abandoned it as much as he is too busy in real life to support it. He has indicated an intent to incorporate changes proposed and tested as noted in the thread Winterbay mentioned. Probably my bad for not announcing it in this thread.


Fronobulax is quite right; unfortunately, RL has been Real Busy. I left my job late last year, and while unemployment's been quite fun, it's also kept me more than fulltime busy figuring out what I'm doing next. Being a new parent has also contributed. :)

Fronobulax is doing some great work on the script in the thread here:
I suggest checking it out for updates. When it gets to a point of verified stability, I'll update this thread with the code.
If you have urgent problems, you can reach me via email. Account name is "ascend.ash", mail server is


New member
This script sounded so awesome, I actually tried to Brute Force crack the password, would take 2 years and I don't think I want to wait that long though. Maybe sometime in the future I might actually get a Mr. A. Awesome script though.


Staff member
This script sounded so awesome, I actually tried to Brute Force crack the password, would take 2 years and I don't think I want to wait that long though. Maybe sometime in the future I might actually get a Mr. A. Awesome script though.

Well your honesty is noted, and remember kiddies, there is a reason people are always telling you to use strong passwords. ;) Depending upon your station in life a $10 donation to KoL may only mean giving up two or three trips to Starbucks or mowing one more lawn or a couple of babysitting gigs so a Mr. A. doesn't see that far out of reach. You could also start trying to modify and maintain KolMafia. Once you are viewed and accepted by the community as a developer dj_d will waive the fee. Finally you might try or one of the other farming scripts. Six to eight weeks of farming doesn't sound too bad.

Welcome to the Forum, by the way. You should check out Bale's compilation of interesting scripts.


Staff member
I just wanted to point out that is part of ascend.ash, and is only obtainable by paying the Mr A. Well, unless dj_d changes the password to 00000 ;)
Whoops. My bad. I saw it had its own thread and was thinking it was something different from farm.ash which is a pay script. Better advice would be to search the wiki or forums for any of the other tools that presume to advise farmers how to be optimal.


New member
I note the first post says the password is usually sent one hour pre rollover - I sent my donation in tonight about an hour and a half before rollover. And we're know about 1/2 hour beyond rollover - i'm assuming that I should have the script by rollover today (so about 22 hours from now)? Or should I contact someone in game - and if so - is dj_d who I contact?

Thanks for any insight.


dj_d is the person to contact since nobody else knows if you sent the Mr. A. We'd only give you the password if he has been unreachable for an extended period of time. Good luck.

13) I am a visitor from THE FUTURE. You, your children, and your children's children are like dust. The world has changed and the continents have shifted. Can I have the password please? You're not answering your mail.
Call in a KolMafia moderator. Moderators - if you suspect I may be dead (to the world of mafia, or otherwise), email me at ascend-dot-ash-at-gmail-dot-com, and PM me on the board and in-game (dj_d). If I don't reply in 30 days, go ahead and post the password and/or unzipped files here (all the mods should have the password already).


New member
For the record, I actually donated my Mr. A shortly *after* rollover last night, and got the automated message at 6am, so there may well have been some slight delay for you also.


Staff member
Wow. New purchasers. You might want to read this post and follow the advice there. In a perfect world, you'd read the whole thread but that is too much to hope for.