ArtistBreakfast: Automatically devour pretentious meals


ArtistBreakfast 1.2

This script will automatically complete The Pretentious Artist's Obsession and eat the meal for you.

  • artistbreakfast_goal - The meal to eat, this defaults to "none" and running the script will list out all the possible goal conditions.
  • artistbreakfast_buy_jar - Whether to buy the jar from the mall, or acquire it by using a psychoanalytic jar on the artist. Defaults to false.


Version 1.2: Fix obtain call
Version 1.1: Fix typo, use zlib's obtain function to acquire combat items
Version 1.0: Initial Release


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Cool script. I was a bit confused, because the script uses "acquire" to buy weapons in the mall and I don't let mafia do that, so it aborted.
You need 3 more Artist's Butterknife of Regret to continue.
I'd buy those, run it again, buy what it needed, rinse, repeat, then it ran perfectly. The code looks nice and clean. An option to farm the weapons would be nice for people using it in run.

It just used my current familiar and outfit, which probably makes sense, but I didn't expect that.
Since you're importing zlib, you could use obtain instead to combine the mall-limited acquire behaviour plus auto-adventuring for people who don't allow that sort of thing... :)
That's what I got today:
> zlib artistbreakfast_goal = The Champion's Breakfast

Previous value of artistbreakfast_goal: My Breakfast With Andrea
Changed to The Champion's Breakfast.

> call scripts\ArtistBreakfast.ash

Checking for updates (running ArtistBreakfast ver. 1.1)...
Running ArtistBreakfast version: 1.1 (current)
You acquire an item: jar of psychoses (The Pretentious Artist)
Using 1 jar of psychoses (The Pretentious Artist)...
Finished using 1 jar of psychoses (The Pretentious Artist).
Searching for "Artist's Crème Brulée Torch of Fury"...
Search complete.
Purchasing Artist's Crème Brulée Torch of Fury (1 @ 799)...
You acquire an item: Artist's Crème Brulée Torch of Fury
Purchasing Artist's Crème Brulée Torch of Fury (2 @ 800)...
Unrecognized item found: 2 Artist's Crème Brulee Torches of Fury
You acquire Artist's Crème Brulee Torches of Fury (2)
Wrong item received - possibly its name or plural has changed.
Desired purchase quantity not reached (wanted 3, got 1)
Using cached search results for Artist's Crème Brulée Torch of Fury...
Purchasing Artist's Crème Brulée Torch of Fury (2 @ 800)...
Unrecognized item found: 2 Artist's Crème Brulee Torches of Fury
You acquire Artist's Crème Brulee Torches of Fury (2)
Wrong item received - possibly its name or plural has changed.
Desired purchase quantity not reached (wanted 2, got 0)
You need 2 more Artist's Crème Brulée Torch of Fury to continue.

Kolmafia 11856
Looks like mafia doesn't have the correct plural. I don't have svn access at the moment but I'll fix it tomorrow if no one else does.
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