New member
I remember that someone created an MMG Bot for 10.0, but I tried it, and it never looped or chained correctly (or worked the way it was supposed to -- always crashed after one script)...
Now I'm just asking for some general tips/advice as to how to access specific functions of KoL Mafia (that is, automatically referencing and finding Seaside Town --> Wrong Side of the Tracks --> The Casino --> Money Making Game)...
First off, some background.
I'm a third-year programmer (senior in high school) that has general knowledge from PLs such as C++, Java and Pascal -- I've done no actual web-based programming but I know the basics of PHP and HTML, to the extent that I can design and edit my own webpages for creativity and "functionality"...
I like to envision ways to do things better - hence, when I heard about KoLMafia, I was immediately interested in finding ways to do specific things (that I do) faster -- that is, do my daily Hobopolis Town Square run (which surprisingly isn't implemented to my liking -- I'll have to redo it), buy and sell clovers + IOTMs/Mr. As/Food/Booze for profit, and play the Money-Making Game (so that I don't have to keep clicking all day long and instead can enjoy the time on Chat talking business with my clan mates and friends).
Here's my MMG plan, for starters (I'll come back and help with redesigning a better combat system, but as I said before, I'm a total scripting noob, so I'm just getting on board now):
What I plan to do is implement my specialized betting system (it isn't Martingale, but is similar and actually has a 95% success rate at making me money, rather than the 50% 1000meat profit per chain system Martingale employs) -- I've only ever lost 2 24-chains in a row, and in those chains only lost ~5mill meat (I've won much more) to meet specific requests, such as an upper, lower and bank limit (bank being "closet"), as was supposedly implemented in KoLMafia10.0... The profit margin on my system can range based upon the Loss chain -- anywhere from 5000 meat per chain to upwards of 1.5million (I make sure to not "overbet" -- that is multiply the original bet by a ridiculous factor -- obviously, to be implemented, I need a "ceiling" variable and some nested if/for loops/statments).
I also want it to NOT run in the "Run Custom Scripts" section, but rather, as it was in 10.0, have a "Coin Toss Game" option in the Tools menu -- this might require revising a build or implementing new commands to the CLI (does anybody know how to do that? I couldn't find anything on Google or on this forum :S)
If anybody can help me get started, or explain to me how to go abouts implementing my vision, I would definitely appreciate it.
And yes, once I get it running, I'll list it here for free -- since I'm awesome like that.
Now I'm just asking for some general tips/advice as to how to access specific functions of KoL Mafia (that is, automatically referencing and finding Seaside Town --> Wrong Side of the Tracks --> The Casino --> Money Making Game)...
First off, some background.
I'm a third-year programmer (senior in high school) that has general knowledge from PLs such as C++, Java and Pascal -- I've done no actual web-based programming but I know the basics of PHP and HTML, to the extent that I can design and edit my own webpages for creativity and "functionality"...
I like to envision ways to do things better - hence, when I heard about KoLMafia, I was immediately interested in finding ways to do specific things (that I do) faster -- that is, do my daily Hobopolis Town Square run (which surprisingly isn't implemented to my liking -- I'll have to redo it), buy and sell clovers + IOTMs/Mr. As/Food/Booze for profit, and play the Money-Making Game (so that I don't have to keep clicking all day long and instead can enjoy the time on Chat talking business with my clan mates and friends).
Here's my MMG plan, for starters (I'll come back and help with redesigning a better combat system, but as I said before, I'm a total scripting noob, so I'm just getting on board now):
What I plan to do is implement my specialized betting system (it isn't Martingale, but is similar and actually has a 95% success rate at making me money, rather than the 50% 1000meat profit per chain system Martingale employs) -- I've only ever lost 2 24-chains in a row, and in those chains only lost ~5mill meat (I've won much more) to meet specific requests, such as an upper, lower and bank limit (bank being "closet"), as was supposedly implemented in KoLMafia10.0... The profit margin on my system can range based upon the Loss chain -- anywhere from 5000 meat per chain to upwards of 1.5million (I make sure to not "overbet" -- that is multiply the original bet by a ridiculous factor -- obviously, to be implemented, I need a "ceiling" variable and some nested if/for loops/statments).
I also want it to NOT run in the "Run Custom Scripts" section, but rather, as it was in 10.0, have a "Coin Toss Game" option in the Tools menu -- this might require revising a build or implementing new commands to the CLI (does anybody know how to do that? I couldn't find anything on Google or on this forum :S)
If anybody can help me get started, or explain to me how to go abouts implementing my vision, I would definitely appreciate it.
And yes, once I get it running, I'll list it here for free -- since I'm awesome like that.