Feature - Implemented Allow Massive Zigguraut auto choice dropdown to exit


New member

Not a advanced scripter, but do take advantage of the dropdown defaults provided for different zones.

For the Massive Ziggurat, the only choices available are show in browser, or fight protector spirit. Could "Leave" be added as a choice to the list? My usual pattern is to equip a machete and do all 4 shrines and the zigguraut in a sequence so i don't need to re-equip it later once i've gotten the triangles, and if i could just run a adventure to the choice and leave without interacting it would help with saving some real-world time.

Choice is choice 6

[377] A Massive Ziggurat
Encounter: Legend of the Temple in the Hidden City
Legend of the Temple in the Hidden City
Manual control requested for choice #791
choice 1: Open the door (Need 4 stone triangles to fight Protector Spectre (0))
choice 6: Leave (skip adventure)
Click here to continue in the relay browser.

Since it doesn't take a turn, setting that default means infinitely trying to adventure there (until you have spent 1 adventure, which you will never do) and walking away. You could do that with
set choiceAdventure791 = 6
but that probably isn't what you want (and why it isn't in the dropdown).

Or you could uncheck the "redo free adventures" box to make it work, I suppose, but without a lot of work it has to be assumed that people won't do that.
One then wonders why there is a "skip adventure" option for the four shrines in the Hidden City. Which is why I shrugged and did this one too.

Except that before you've used the shrines to unlock the Hidden Buildings, the option to open them does take an adventure, so you could adventure there for one turn.

If you are automating through the GUI, you can set the goal to "1 choice" and it will stop automation after taking the choice even if a turn hasn't been spent, I think.

Edit: Yes.

Validating adventure sequence...
Condition added: Choices Left: 1

Visit to HiddenCity: An Overgrown Shrine (Northwest) in progress...

[850893] An Overgrown Shrine (Northwest)
Encounter: Earthbound and Down
Earthbound and Down

Conditions satisfied after 1 adventures.
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