Since there's just one comma-delimited preference string that contains all of the enabled deeds.
I'm not sure how you are formatting that.
> get dailyDeedsOptions
Library Card,Friars,VIP Pool,Telescope,Demon Summoning,Crimbo Tree,April Shower,Daily Dungeon,Ball Pit,Breakfast,Bag o' Tricks,Legendary Beat,Outrageous Sombrero,Skate Park,Concert,Oscus' Soda,Rage Gland,Stills,Free Rests,Hot Tub,Photocopy,Camera,Bonus Adventures,Nuns,Express Card,Flush Mojo,Melange,Tea Party,Putty,Familiar Drops,Free Fights,Free Runaways,$CUSTOM:Blah blah Display|Boolean|pyramidBombUsed|cast madrigal
Can you also have an item that tells how many daily deeds are possible and then add on the new ones if the number is too low? I'm sure you can work out some system for auto-enabling new daily deeds even if it requires a second new preference.
> get dailyDeedsOptions
$CUSTOM|Text|Demonstration of customized Daily Deeds,$CUSTOM|Text|//\\//\\//\\ by Roippi //\\//\\//\\,$CUSTOM|Text| ,$CUSTOM|Text|This is a built-in deed:,VIP Pool,$CUSTOM|Text|So is this:,April Shower,$CUSTOM|Text| ,$CUSTOM|Text|This is a custom "Boolean" button that tracks a preference (hermitHax0red),$CUSTOM|Text|When clicked it gets clovers.,$CUSTOM|Boolean|Is the hermit hax0red?|hermitHax0red|hermit * clover,$CUSTOM|Text| ,$CUSTOM|Text|This is a custom line of text that also tracks some preferences:,$CUSTOM|Text|I've ascended |knownAscensions| times. My last adventure was in zone: |lastAdventure
> get dailyDeedsOptions
$CUSTOM|Text|Demonstration of customized Daily Deeds,$CUSTOM|Text|//\\//\\//\\ by Roippi //\\//\\//\\,$CUSTOM|Text| ,$CUSTOM|Text|This is a built-in deed:,VIP Pool,$CUSTOM|Text|So is this:,April Shower,$CUSTOM|Text| ,$CUSTOM|Text|This is a custom "BooleanPref" button that tracks a preference (hermitHax0red),$CUSTOM|Text|If/when hermitHax0red is true,| this deed is greyed out.,$CUSTOM|Text|When clicked|,| it gets clovers.,$CUSTOM|BooleanPref|Is the hermit hax0red?|hermitHax0red|hermit * clover,$CUSTOM|Text| ,$CUSTOM|Text|This is a custom line of text that also tracks some preferences:,$CUSTOM|Text|I've ascended |knownAscensions| times. My last adventure was in zone: |lastAdventure,$CUSTOM|Text| ,$CUSTOM|Text|This is a "Skill" type button. It has a few uses,| but usually tracks a multi-use skill with an arbitrary limit:,$CUSTOM|Skill|get me some BRICKOs|libramSummons|summon brickos|7,$CUSTOM|Text| ,$CUSTOM|Text|Lastly,| here is a 'MultiPref' deed.,$CUSTOM|Text|You define the displayText,| an int preference,| the button command,| and the preference disabling threshold.,$CUSTOM|Text|It is up to you to make the preference track whatever your button is doing.,$CUSTOM|MultiPref|Run my custom ASH script up to 5 times|_farmingLoops|call farm.ash|5,$CUSTOM|Text| ,$CUSTOM|Text|You can define your own preferences and call ash scripts with your button commands.,$CUSTOM|Text|I haven't demonstrated all of the different types and overloaded variants here,| but this should be a good starting place.,$CUSTOM|Text|Have fun.
Now I'm having massive issues generating a patch.. let me know if this one is malformed. I'm seriously so annoyed at SVN right now.