Adventures.txt update


I updated the Adventures.txt file a little, since its an easy fix. Mostly I removed all the options for now obsolete items (old NS tower stuff). I'll eventually start working in new items once I get bored with coding again.
Some of those changes were good (15541), most of them had nothing to with the tower revamp.

With the amount of posting you've done here, I'm surprised you didn't know that this section is the best place to post this type of thing. And also that you had to ask in chat to realize that this forum was the place to post it.
This reminded me of a problem with goals in the Pyramid, which obviously is not an issue in an Ed-scension. Currently, the default goals for Upper and Lower chamber are 1 choiceadv and 2 choiceadv. That is bad because there are no choice adventures in those locations. Quite frankly those goals do not work. The relevant adventures should instead be made autostops or something like that.

I never think to bug report that so I'm mentioning it now.
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Right now, you can auto-adventure with no goal in the upper chamber, then auto-adventure with no goal in the middle chamber, then autoadventure with no goal in the middle chamber again to unlock the control room.
Some of those changes were good (15541), most of them had nothing to with the tower revamp.

With the amount of posting you've done here, I'm surprised you didn't know that this section is the best place to post this type of thing. And also that you had to ask in chat to realize that this forum was the place to post it.

I've confined most of my activities to working on scripts so far, and haven't touched Mafia proper, so I've been hanging around the Turn-Burning Scripts area for the most part. Though I have some updates for Daily Deeds that I want to create, can't remember what they are right now, but I have them. Can you direct me to the code file for them?
Right now, you can auto-adventure with no goal in the upper chamber, then auto-adventure with no goal in the middle chamber, then autoadventure with no goal in the middle chamber again to unlock the control room.

That suggests that the relevant adventures are already autostops.
That suggests that the relevant adventures are already autostops.

The first one (that opens the lower chamber) should not be an auto-stop anyways, as you can't do anything about it or change anything based on that adventure happening.

As for auto-stops in general, I feel they should only be used for something that will affect the way you treat the zone, such as the second NC in middle chamber, at which point you would choose to farm ratchets or wheels. Things that currently are auto-stopped for (such as Hoom-Hah) need to be re-evaluated for the value of the auto-stop, and if it might be more useful to set it as a goal instead (which Hoom-Hah would be better suited as, you don't want to stop your regular adventuring every time you hit that).
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Things that currently are auto-stopped for (such as Hoom-Hah) need to be re-evaluated for the value of the auto-stop, and if it might be more useful to set it as a goal instead (which Hoom-Hah would be better suited as, you don't want to stop your regular adventuring every time you hit that).

Auto-stops don't stop you unless you don't have a goal. It's unlikely that someone will be adventuring in The Spooky Forest without some goal (several choice adventures possibly, or all of the spooky items) or without wanting Hoom Hah.

I think you need to update your expectations, or give a better example of an auto-stop that actually should be changed.